Coloured stockings

Coloured stockings– Why cant we get stockings in more vibrant colours? Why does everything have to be black? Don’t get me wrong… black can be very sexy… but we should be able to get more colours. You can get all colours of lingerie, but then have to make do with black, tan, or white stockings, which to me is a bit of a shame.

– I agree with you. I like to wear coloured stockings, but they are very rare (mostly vintage), except “regular” colours like blue or red. I also like to wear contrast colour seams.

– Personally, I like mocha or coffee coloured hose. Anyone else?

– I agree – I don’t like wearing tan coloured stockings, and as you say black and white does get repetitive! I’ve been trying for ages to find somewhere to get coloured stockings at a reasonable price, but haven’t succeeded yet – any hints anyone?

– I remember a number of years ago (probably 15) Wonderbra put out a line of coloured stockings. I can’t even remember how many pairs I bought but I still have a pair of green and a pair of pink left. The colours were lovely pastels (pale green, light blue, light pink, red and light grey along with the usual tan, black, midnight. The stocking quality was good too as is attested to the fact that I still have two pairs. I agree I wish they would make a comeback.

Victoria’s Secret has a line of coloured nylons and stay-ups. My wife has them in a light grey that is just gorgeous and in a peach that is very sheer and shiny. At least in the US they don’t cost an arm and a stockinged leg. Other normal colours are also available.

– I dye nylons different colours. I have dyed in purple, blue and red. Over time, the dye does fade but it’s a good way to get some different colours cheaply and quick. RHTs work best. I have found that with FFs you never know how dark the seams will be.

– Jonathan Aston do all sorts of colours – including white with fluorescent pink, green, and yellow welts. Truly sensational. I don’t think they currently have a web site and I don’t know of anyone who stocks the full range on line. I do, however, sense a gap in the market 🙂

– You know (and please be kind in the responses) I think that is one area where pantyhose has gained ground over stockings.

A visit to almost any site that sells pantyhose and tights will reveal a multitude of colours – practically the entire spectrum.

It’s been a boon to me as I have found some to match every contemporary suit and trousers that I regularly wear.

I know its probably more of a “cart before the horse” situation but I consider it a small part of the “vicious cycle” of stockings decline. Less stocking wearing = limited colour selection = less stocking wearing, so on…

Sorry but I personally PREFER the lack of coloured stockings. While I agree that the colour black is rather too predominant, I LOVE tan, off black and gray coloured stockings. I have acquired quite a penchant for tan coloured stockings especially. I find they possess a particularly erotic and sexy (not to mention sensual), appeal. In short… I could not care less about the other colours of the rainbow being applied to stockings. To diminish the use of jet black coloured stockings WOULD be a welcome relief. “To each his beach” as the saying goes.

Stockings: lesbian or bi?

Garter Belt and tarten skirtI was searching the AOL member directory this weekend. I chose the words “garter belt” and “female“. For tthose not familiar with AOL, members create a profile that includes the usual things; name, location, marital status, hobbies etc…

Almost 50% of the women who said they wore a garter belt and stockings were either lesbian or bi-sexual. I thought this was rather odd, so I sent an e-mail to one of the ladies who gave that impression, asking her if wearing a garter belt and stockings had become a sign of lesbianism. Her response sent chills running down my back!

She stated that indeed, at least in the US that wearing stockings has become somewhat of a “calling card” for other lesbians! She said that when she is out at a bar or a club, she looks for women in stockings, and considers any that she finds potential “dates”. So at last my question to the group:

Has anyone else encountered this, and ladies, has a lesbian or bisexual lady ever hit on you because you were wearing stockings? I sincerely hope this is not the case. If this is indeed true and the mainstream women ever hear about this, it could deal a serious blow to our cause, as straight ladies would never wear a garter belt and stockings for fear of being labelled a lesbian or bisexual! Not that being one is bad, that is an individual choice, however I would prefer straight ladies continue to wear stockings and not feel they are being stereotyped!

– That’s a new one on me. I’ve never heard of or thought of that one. Of course there’s a lot of stuff people put on the Internet that is just a figment of their imagination.

– I have no idea if stockings are the current uniform du jour in the lesbian/bi community but God bless them if it is. I rather think your leg was being pulled (and not in a nice way) by someone who was either relating a local custom in her particular gay community or was having a bit of fun with the “straight guy”.

It was my pleasure to know a femme lesbian some years ago who was the epitome of femininity. She did occasionally wear stockings but her dates, mostly butch-type lesbians, certainly did not act or look feminine at all. Picture the group Village People.

By the way did you know that if you wear anything green on Thursday, it is a signal to all gay men that you are available? LOL.

– I agree that any woman (regardless of sexual orientation) in stockings is a great thing. However I would like to think it was because of a taste for fashion and not a symbol of their sexual preference. I am going to e-mail a few more of these women and ask them the same question. You may be right about my leg being pulled, but I’m going to ask for some additional thoughts.

– I almost laughed aloud at reading this – maybe this is a good thing! Don’t you all know that when something is adopted by the gay and lesbian communities, it is a sure sign that it’ll be in the mainstream soon? Keep an eye out! When retailers see money to be made, rest assured the rest of the world will follow!

Perhaps someone could ask our resident lesbians in the chatroom. They also claim to be from New York ,the launching point of many trends. In my own experience, I have never been hit on by a woman while wearing stockings. Actually, I have only seen stockings here in Kansas two other times on ladies, unfortunately. Pantyhose is even rare here.

Luxury and the lost generation

attorney stockingsThis morning our corporate VP and general counsel forwarded to me an opinion from our legal department. It was written by a new, young lawyer fresh out of one of our nation’s better law schools. The first sentence of the young lawyer’s memo was as follows:

“Because of the opinion which you asked me for. ”

What has this got to do with stockings? I’ll tell you.

I remember when writing the English language was as important as speaking it. It is harder to write well than to speak well. Writing requires the mastery of more skills than speaking. Writing well takes time and a degree of self-criticism. Writing well necessitates a knowledge of grammar, syntax, spelling (a skill with which I struggle) and, most importantly, clarity of expression.

The generation that produced the young lawyer who butchered the English language in the above illustration is lost to the importance of time. It is the “I want it now” generation. They are all about video games, MTV, microwaves and email. They are Napster, Instant Messenger and ICQ. Now, I stress there is nothing wrong with any of these things in themselves. But, taken all together, they are the antithesis of luxury. And, my dear friends, stockings are all about luxury.

The finer things in life be they a great cognac, a good cigar, a great novel, a moving symphony, a fine motor car, a great wine or even fine silk stockings with gloves all take time. Even the better moments of intimacy we share with our lovers have, as their hallmark, been the ones that have lasted the longest.

Stockings are one of life’s luxuries. They take time to put on and take off. They generally cost more than pantyhose. They are harder to find and because of this they require greater care. But the dividends they pay for the wearer and the wearer’s partner in terms of power, mystery, sexuality, appearance and touch are many times the effort needed to wear them.

Is it any wonder that this lost generation has recently moved beyond the hurry-up-pull-them-up mediocrity of pantyhose to brainless, genderless bare-leggedness? No, I guess not.

So, are any of us truly surprised when a young man making $70,000 in his first year of post-graduate employment cannot write a coherent sentence in his native tongue?

I guess his instructors were in too much of a hurry to teach him, he was in too much of a hurry to learn and his parents were in too much of a hurry to care.

– I really think you should take a look at the world around you a bit more. Yes I agree there is a certain amount of intellectual apathy amongst the young and what you would call ‘class’ and ‘refinery’ might be sadly lacking in the younger generation. However it is unfair to assume that all young people are responsible for a lack in education, class and above all stockings.

We live in an ever-changing society, my friend, and when you quote the finer things in life as cognac and the like it fills me with dread. If it’s one thing the younger generation have brought to the world, then that is tolerance. We are in a subjective arena and it pays to be a little more open minded to new generation and new technologies. If we hold on to the past too much then we’ll never see the future.

Lets be honest here: stockings are a throw back to a sadly by-gone era. But there is plenty today to enjoy… don’t worry about it so much.

– I also lament lost respect for proper application of the language. Current email etiquette is much like pantyhose. They’re easier and convenient – but not as good.

It is not ironic the backlash against casual work attire, me-me-me materialistic toys, and in-your-face rudeness, is surfacing as the economy slows. The short cuts of the 1990s to push to everyone’s bottom line are being appropriately questioned today.

Segments of the population are speaking up about elegance, and discussing stockings.

Your admonishment on the language has extracted a commitment from me to edit my forum communications better. If I’m going to talk it, I better make sure I walk it.

– I agree with most of the original post. I am a lawyer and am appalled by much of the written English I see. The two things I look for in aspirant barristers being interviewed by me: command of English and whether they wear stockings!

More seriously, though, they all have excellent degrees from Oxbridge, high bar exam results, impeccable references, fascinating CVs (the others already having been vetted out at an earlier stage), so there’s usually little else to choose! It would be almost impossible to have got thus far if there was any doubt about their “knowledge of the law and legal proceedings”!

– I too find myself in despair over the wilful murdering of our language, and it seems to be coming from all sides. It’s unfortunate.

As for the rebuttal that the younger generation brings with them a greater level of tolerance – hooey! “Tolerance” is nothing more than a cudgel used to abuse those of us who do not agree with whatever the prevailing views are of the moment!

Those of us who subscribe to a more conservative and traditional view of the world, whether formed by politics or perhaps religion, are told we are narrow-minded and bigoted. Yet, we are expected to swallow all of the pabulum spewed out in the name of being “progressive”. I refuse to accept that as long as young people are disrespectful to their elders, and parents do not command respect as befits their role in life – to be their children’s teacher and guide, not their best friend.

Producing fully fashioned stockings on modern machines

fully fashioned stockings– Is it really not possible to produce FF’s on modern round-knitting machinery? Okay, I’m not talking about “genuine” FF’s but rather a quality that comes as close as possible in terms of feel and look of the original thing, aka non-stretch and 100% nylon.

– Anything can be made less expensively if there are sufficient volumes. It’s a case of creating enough demand and then machine manufacturers would quickly design machines to produce them and the prices would fall.

– As far as I know, this is true. I understand that the machines that make hose these days use a different blend of nylon thread than what was used on the flat knitting machine. However, if there’s money to be made, someone will build a better mousetrap.

– It all depends on the thin thread of what is “close” and what is not. True, original fully fashioned stockings were made by knitting a flat (what could be described as a butterfly) leg, then the leg is closed by knitting the piece together to form a leg and the seam results.

That is why a FF stocking stretches to accommodate the width of a leg but does not stretch in height. If anything, if a leg is full, it will shorten the length of the stocking in order to accommodate – never the opposite.

Modern machines (circular) have a multi-directional stretch capability. This is why, in my opinion, modern stockings with seams are more difficult to keep straight than those made on the original machines.