Stockings, rings and chains

– Is it cool to wear stockings with toe rings or ankle jewellery?

– I have always hated ankle bracelets (tacky) and toe rings (very tacky), whether with nylons or bare-legged. Sorry.

– My wife wears the gold ankle bracelet I got her as a present when we got serious and has done so for nine years under her hose. No rips, no runs, no errors.

I also sometimes like the “tarty” look when a women wears a gaudy ankle bracelet over some wild stockings.

– Until my toe ring broke recently, I have been wearing one for almost three years running. Some folks like them, some folks don’t.

– Anklets are nice under sheer tanned or black hosiery if very thin either in silver or gold, but chunky ones with high heels are definitely tacky!

– Toe rings are extremely sexy, as are ankle bracelets. Its feminine, and that is sexy. Artwork for the feet…

I wear both daily. I find that many men have a fetish for one or both. One even asked me why I wore stockings when it made them harder to see! The nerve!

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