Wearing stockings on an everyday basis

reggicalze_in_macchinaI had a big discussion with some lady friends of mine that wear stockings only on specific occasions (such as a sexy night out). They told me that they wear them to arouse their boy friends or husbands with the purpose of having sex. I totally disagree; I find it much more interesting and arousing, that a woman wears stockings on an everyday basis. The fact that a woman wears stockings and suspenders just because she thinks that she might have sex that evening is a turn off.

– I wear stockings or hold-ups every time I wear a skirt or dress. I have been wearing stockings since I was about 16 or so as tights did not agree with me. These days I tend to wear more hold-ups than “real” stockings, but I still wear “real” stockings maybe 3/4 times a month.

– I wear stockings on a everyday basis. On special occasions I wear black fully fashioned by Gerbe and I have not even thought about wearing tights. By the way, I am 39 years young, and my husband loves it even more than I do. Seeing me in stockings that is.

– I don’t wear stockings every day but I do wear either stockings or hold ups every time that I go out, even if it is just shopping. I would feel naked if I wasn’t wearing any hosiery and I don’t like tights. So you could say that, relatively speaking at least, I always wear stockings.

Stockings are just a normal bit of clothing that I wear, they just replaced tights.

Finding a stocking-wearing lover

stockingswearingI posted back on the 23rd of May, 2001, humbly requesting a “stocking partner”. A woman who shares my extraordinary penchant for a woman’s gartered nylon stocking-clad legs. I was certain that I would receive a reply. To date, I have received none. I then posted on the 29th of May inquiring as to whether this forum was for discussion only or, might one utilise such a “stocking resource” in search of a female stocking partner. Again, no response.

I answered a plea for a man who could appreciate a woman’s gartered nylon stocking-clad legs as her boyfriend (of one year), failed to appreciate them despite the fact that she immensely enjoys wearing stockings. But again I received no reply.

I am again extending my humble invitation to a woman (or women), so inclined to please contact me so that we might mutually ecstatically enjoy your gartered nylon stocking-clad legs.

– Ladies should be wanted for more than just the stockings they wear, they are people also.

– I must agree. I think you are trying to put the cart before the horse to coin a cliche. First find a woman you thoroughly enjoy who thoroughly enjoys you. This should ideally be done through friends or mutual acquaintances. Try your church or some other social environment. Stay away from bars, the Internet and dating services. Find someone geographically close to you. Time and distance can kill a relationship. And stop leading with your bottom line (stockings). You are setting yourself up as a mark for a con person.

After you’ve met the next significant other then, gradually introduce your fetish. Start with small gifts. At first it should be a book (not about stockings) or some other small (non-sexual) memento. Then, after a few months, if things are getting more intimate, you may wish to buy really nice stockings and a garterbelt set from a first class purveyor. But, don’t do this before you have had intimate relations with her. Otherwise, she may consider you to be forward or assuming more than you should. Do more listening than talking and you will know when the time is right.

She may have a few fetishes of her own. And, you may find some of hers as unappealing as she may find some of yours. If she had read you her laundry list of kink before you had even begun dating her you may have been frightened off. But, once you have established a foundation of trust and love these other things can be added, or not. By then it may not matter to either of you.

But if it does matter to you, if you cannot be happy unless your significant other wears stockings either daily, or while making love, or both, you, sir, may have a decision to make. Take her as she is or start all over again with someone else and, in either case, hope for the best. If you decide to leave, be a man and tell her why. Make sure she understands its not her “fault”. Its just the way it is for you.

And, one other thing, leave your first wife and any conversation, pictures and references totally out of your next relationship. Only speak of her when asked. No one wants to think they are being compared to, or are simply a replacement for, another person.

– I knew this forum had some redeeming qualities… somewhere… somehow… Thank you so very much. Your points are well taken. As I have previously mentioned in this forum… one’s fetish can become obsessive. Especially when one has been graced with its being addressed so well for so many years. I had 12 years of ecstasy my late wife. I had five years of stocking-clad love-making with my girlfriend prior to that. In both instances, I determined, at the inception of the relationships, whether they preferred stockings or pantyhose. It would appear that my prior methods should be altered. I will endeavour to do so. Thank you all again very, very much. I trust you all understand. My intention is/has not been to offend. To anyone I have done so… I apologise.

But if one were ever to decide to exercise such forthrightness with one’s predilection to such a fetish preference, is there a more appropriate venue than a stockings forum? Are we not all frequenting this forum in an effort to locate and discuss our stockings fetish with persons who share our proclivity. Many people have expressed various ideas of how to proceed in attempting to find women who enjoy and prefer wearing stockings via this forum. I am included in that number. My regard for your advice is no less heeded but I trust you may appreciate the dilemma I, and others like me, share.

– Your situation is not unique in one respect. A good number of the men who post here would like nothing better than to find the kind of wonderful woman you shared your life and love with for 12 years. I have seen her picture at a site you had directed us to earlier. She was quite beautiful and you have my deepest sympathy for your loss.

Because some men can only dream of such a partner they cannot feel the loss of her half as keenly as you do. I can hear this sense of loss and loneliness in your posts. So can women who, as a gender, tend to be much more sensitive to such things than we fellows. For so long as some women can still hear your longing for your late wife they will not feel comfortable being with you.

Try thinking of it the other way round. If you had passed first you may have hoped that your widow could once again find happiness. You would not want her to grieve too long. You would want her to find happiness with another man secure in the knowledge that you could never be replaced in her heart.

I seem to remember a post from a woman a few months back where she said she would prefer not to date men with a stockings fetish. It was very revealing. I think many of the women who post here feel as she does.

Having a proclivity for something may not mean you want it to be the foundation of your relationships. I think this is especially true of the ladies here. They may love stockings every bit as much as we do but sex for women is different than sex for men. It’s in the wiring I think. For men sex is a physical feast. Stockings are the flame in the flambe, the cherry on top of the sundae, the spice in the entree. For women it seems that sex is a gift they choose to bestow on those whom they invite to have it. It is the aperitif not the appetiser. We are generally too anxious. They are generally more reserved. For many men sex is the sooner the better. For many women sex seems to be when all else is right first. But, women know men equate stockings with sex. To try to begin a relationship with a woman by being a “stockings partner” is, for many of them, too start to know them on too intimate a basis too soon. It took me almost eight months to use the “s” word (stockings) with my bride of 30 years. I met her through a mutual friend.

I sincerely hope you find that little doll to play with again. She is out there. But, I’d be quite surprised if you found her on the Internet. She may be just down the street.

– I think the sad truth of the matter is that there are not enough stocking clad lovelies to go around.

However, all is not lost as there frequent stories here posted by men who have successfully persuaded their girlfriends and wives to swap over to stockings. (I’m sure if you did a post about this subject there would be lots of encouraging, and interesting, replies).

I think your best course of action would be to find a lady you’re attracted to, then work on the finer details!

– First, allow me to thank you for sharing your thoughtful, sincere and, I might add, colourful, sentiments concerning my plight. I suspect we would find engaging in a conversation on this and perhaps, many other topics most interesting. I find your ideas and thoughts quite sagacious and provocative to say the least.

You are correct in your assessment of my relationship with me late wife. I am quite honest however, when I divulge the point in our relationship when the subject of her wearing stockings actually occurred. Unlike you and your bride, I was not left to wait eight months before the subject was addressed. It was eight minutes into our initial conversation. And while her wearing stockings was not the basis of our relationship, I believe you can appreciate the importance of that aspect of our relationship being a stockings admirer yourself. It is very important to us is it not?

Fortunately, she understood and as she was already predisposed to wearing them, it was not an issue. We immensely enjoyed that aspect of our relationship as well as many, many other aspects. Thus, we shared a very special and unconditionally loving 12 years together.

You might agree, by the way, that we fetishistic individuals are at a disadvantage compared to our more conventionally inclined male counterparts. Most men, tactile and visual as we are, prefer that part of a woman’s anatomy that is readily visible and accessible… the breasts. A man with such a preference has little difficulty determining whether he is interested in a woman based upon that part of her anatomy. He identifies the size and shape and determines whether he is interested. For “leg men”, it is not quite as facile. These days, women are more inclined to wear trousers, jeans, sweats, etc. The legs are unrevealed. We must wait, or guess, as to whether the woman has full, shapely legs or not. The issue of accentuating their beauty with stockings poses even greater future difficulties. Indeed, ours (leg men), is not an easy preference to satisfy.

I am inclined to agree with the current assessment that there “are not enough stocking clad lovelies to go around”. Yes, I had what many people aspire to have. A relationship with my true “soul-mate” for the years with which I was blessed. It is those many years that renders my situation at this time, so very difficult to negotiate. As I mentioned, to have experienced my fortune for so long and to currently be without is very difficult. The love aspect is one thing… the fetish aspect is quite another.

I do not expect to ever find another woman to love, be in-love with, to cherish, to truly and unconditionally be my friend and with whom I would be a friend. I am endeavouring to satisfy my stocking-clad leg fetish via this forum as well as other avenues.

Sleep in your corset

article-2635866-1E1830CF00000578-445_634x797She claims her figure is thanks to ‘peaceful, gentle’ yoga sessions, but there’s one part of Geoffrey Edelsten’s new girlfriend Gabi Grecko’s anatomy that’s getting a far more painful workout – her waistline.

Speaking to the MailOnline at an exclusive photo shoot held at Geoffrey’s Melbourne home on Thursday, Gabi, 24, said she’s undertaking ‘corset training’ in attempt to lose a total of five inches – almost 13 centimetres – from her starting waist measurement of 21 inches.


The practice Gabi follows, known as ‘tightlacing’, involves women wearing increasingly restrictive clothes with the aim of shrinking their figures.

One follower of the method, Cathy Jung, is famed for reducing her natural waist measurement by a whopping seven inches – almost 18cm – to achieve her current 15inch tummy circumference.

Her waist, which the Guinness Book records as the world’s smallest on a living person, measures just 38cm – about the same size around as a jar of regular mayonnaise.



Tips for stocking spotting during jury service

RHT stockingsI have jury service for two weeks commencing this coming Monday. Anyone got any suggestions of where/what to look out for in the way of girls/women wearing stockings/holdups. I am in London. I look forward to your interesting ideas.

– In most courts, the jury bench is square-on to counsel’s row so, depending on which position you are along the bench, you may get a direct view along counsel’s row. If you have a short-skirted lady barrister sitting nearest to you in counsel’s row, you might be in for some good views, although there may be someone sitting between you and her, interrupting the view.

Although the barrister’s gown may add a protective layer, when sitting down, it most often falls away, allowing unimpeded view of the legs beneath.

Unfortunately, you will not have access to the bar mess, or robing room – which is usually my best viewing area. Most robing rooms are now unisex, which allows unparalleled opportunities for seeing such things as changing shoes (great for the reinforced heel/toe enthusiast), adjusting skirts etc, and lounging around in fairly low armchairs, which makes it impossible not to see any stocking-tops that may be on offer. I have yet to see someone actually adjusting her stockings, although I have seen more than one discarded pair in a wastepaper basket (presumably the actual changing took place in a toilet cubicle).

Anyway – good luck! Unlike you, however, not only am I in court every day – but I actually get paid for being there!

Some women wearing stockings, when standing up, will run their hands over the front of their skirts to make sure they’re still “done up”. Or you could try looking for the little bumps at the front if the skirts are tight. Good luck.

Wearing stockings in summer

stockingsinsummerAmong certain fashion arbiters of taste it is said to be a no-no to wear stockings in summer. Of course, with the gauche trend towards stockingless legs generally, it’s not surprising these so-called fashion mavens would rail against nylons during summer with a vengeance. At one time, women tended to wear stockings throughout the year, even in summer, though there was more tendency to go stockingless in hot weather even in otherwise dressy occasions. What do you folks think? There is also something known as “summer nylons” which appear to be an even lighter weight nylon knit. Can anyone shed information on these?

– It’s much too hot in Arizona for wearing stockings. With temperatures in excess often of 106 degrees it becomes almost dangerous as heat stroke is a real danger here. Even with air conditioning, the extra heat generated by stockings can cause a person to collapse when the temperatures reach beyond 106 degrees. I do manage on some of the cooler days to wear stockings, but I must be careful, on the hotter days. Sometimes if the night cools off a little I can wear stockings for a short time, but still I must be cautious. But in the cooler seasons stockings are a welcome addition to my wardrobe.

– I remember my mother (in the late ’70s early ’80s) would swap over from tights in the winter to stockings in the summer as they were cooler. I used to love watching her get ready to go out of an evening and turning from ‘mum’ into some glamorous creature. I guess dad used to look forward to the summer months!

I still wear stockings in the summer, at the weekends or if I’m going out in the evening – just not everyday.

– I wear stockings almost every day, and to church. However, I don’t see the point in wearing stockings if I’m pottering in the garden, or with a ratty pair of shorts and a t-shirt to hit the yard sales on Saturday mornings. Usually, my rule of thumb is – if it’s an event that needs a girdle, then stockings, too.

– I would think stockings in the evenings would be wonderful for woman to wear. During the day a nice cotton dress and thong/french knickers and bra must be the best way to feel good and look good?

– Yes, there are “summer stockings”. I wear Charnos seven denier stockings. Atlanta’s heat demands the relief the seven deniers provide me in the summer, while allowing me to present the professional image I deem important. I also wear them for dressy evenings out because of their sheerness.

Today, they are offered only in lace tops. But, Charnos sold them with nylon welts until recent weeks.

– The humidity in the Chicago area can drive the temperature index well over one hundred degrees so you have to watch how you dress. A skirt and stockings would be okay for a dinner or show in an air conditioned place. My wife gets to wear her share of stockings in the summer and her pleased public gets an eye full of a great pair of legs. You would not catch her bare legged or bare footed in a dress up situation. She goes bare legged wearing shorts or something of that nature. She knows when and where to apply her dress code. And I am a happy and grateful husband!

I am often in Milan (Italy) for business and as you all know, it is the world’s centre as far as fashion is concerned. As you might have read, the new fashion is now to wear stockings as often as possible (“bare legs are out for now ” say the designers such as Valentino ). I am pleasantly surprised that when I go to that city women wear skirts more often then trousers and stockings at least to the end of July ( before the summer holidays). This is because it is considered unsuitable to show too pale legs and most definitely unbecoming. so if you want to spot stocking tops in summer , you must go to Milan.

By the way, has anybody noticed that Japanese women always wear tights even in the hot season? This is because it is considered to be unhealthy to go bared legged.

I think that every season is becoming “non-season” for nylons. In the summer they can’t wear them because it’s too hot. In the winter can’t wear because they’re too sheer so have to wear tights or ribbed leggings for warmth. That leaves spring and fall. But even those windows are getting narrower as bare skin moves into colder weather (hmm, why don’t they think that’s cold?) And tights take over too soon. Stockings are simply getting crowded out!

Nurses in stockings

nurses in stockings“I am a nurse and when I started my training I wore both opaque and 20 denier tights and found them both hot to wear and uncomfortable so I started to wear stockings and have continued to do so since. The uniform in the hospital were I previously worked was white and a memo was sent out requesting nurses to wear underskirts (slips) under their dresses as their underwear could be seen. The main problem was black tights and underwear. As white was the only colour underskirt that could be worn then only white underwear could be worn so black tights or stockings were a no no.”

“New uniform code states no more thick opaque black tights to be worn with our uniform because we wear a white uniform black tights clash. We now have to wear sheer tan/light orange colour…This is good news for a lot of us as opaque tights were too hot, however a lot of the girls want to bring back the black tights.”

“I’m 51 and still nursing after many years. I’ve worn stockings and suspenders all my life and still wear them when on duty. I know several other girls that wear stockings to work. Our uniforms are nowhere near as glamorous as they used to be when I started in 1970, but wearing stockings both gives my appearance a lift (I’m still proud of my pins) and has practical value (hygiene, etc). So we are around!”

“I have been nursing for 10 years and always wear black stockings and suspenders with my uniform. I saw a posting a while back stating that English nurses are banned from wearing black hosiery. This isn’t true for all, it just depends which NHS trust you work for. All seem to have a different idea of uniform standards. Also, what about the private nursing sector?”

“Nothing will convince me that (a) there’s anything wrong with feminine dress whether it be nurses or any other professional (a lab coat in itself is not the point: it’s what’s worn beneath that I am writing about) and (b) that a smart uniform, which requires some effort in maintaining – such as ironing, etc., will not engender pride and efficiency in its wearer.

“I’m a professional – I COULD perform my work just as easily in a “T” shirt and jeans: I don’t think that my clients would care very much for it, though, nor the more senior professionals with whom I am in daily contact.

“And, in any event, what about the psychological boost that a well-dressed nurse will give her patients? I’m not writing about turning a nurse into an object of sexual fantasy, but simply the pleasure a man (or even a woman) gets from seeing a well-dressed woman. There’s more to nursing than simply being a medicine-dispenser or bed-changer.”

“I think we would all be surprised at how many women still wear stockings and suspenders as a matter of course. My girlfriend wears the above at least three days a week to work and has done for a number of years. What is more interesting is that she has told me of at least four of her friends who do the same. I have been looking at them in a somewhat different light since I found out their little ‘secret’.”

“In the 1960s I spent several years nursing. In those days the uniforms were a far cry from today’s shabby affairs and included black stockings and suspenders. The only problem was with the sheets and blankets being made of new-fangled man-made fibres, bri-nylon and the like. When we were making beds, or sometimes when we just touched them, we would often get a sharp electric shock, which we felt right on the metal clips of our suspenders!”

“I remember lying in a hospital bed recovering from an operation. I had been playfully teasing a young nurse when she decided to make the bed opposite. As she leaned over the bed I got a wonderful view of a black stocking top and about 2″ of the creamy white thigh above. Mmmm delicious! Maybe this is a therapeutic tactic? It certainly made my day and helped me on the road to rapid recovery!”

How do I get my wife to wear RHT stockings?

RHT stockingsI love the sight of women in RHTs and yet my wife thinks they are just to cumbersome to be bothered with them. I have tried the old “they are healthier” bit with no success. Have any of you had this problem and know of ways of convincing her?

I even managed to convince my secretary to wear them and now she does all the time but my wife won’t listen! I wish there was a disaster that would turn women off tights. Like spiders and mice are able to live in there without you knowing! What do you think?

– I think its easier to convince an employee to wear stockings than to convince one’s wife to do almost anything.

You have no positional power over your wife. However, it’s this very positional power that might someday make you the subject of a sexual harassment lawsuit should your secretary ever decide she is unhappy with you or the workload you give her or the days off she gets or a special favour you did not grant or the amount of pay increase she received or… I think you get my point.

As to your wife, how long have you been married? How long have you been trying to convince her? Does your wife know your secretary and if so, does your wife know that she wears stockings? If she does know that does she know you are the person who convinced her to do so?

It’s possible that your wife, knowing that your secretary wears stockings, has decided that the only reason you want her to wear them is so she will be as attractive to you as your secretary. Your wife wants to be thought of as attractive in her own right not attractive because she reminds you of your secretary.

– Give your wife a coupon book as a gift. You make up the coupons. You can find sites on the Internet that will give you suggestions as to what the coupons should say. Use a search engine and enter “love coupons” as the search term. You should get plenty of sites.

For example, some say “I’ll do the dishes”. Some say “Good for a full body massage”. Some say “Good for a romantic dinner”. Some might say “I’ll be your personal love slave”. You get the idea? Tell her that she can use these coupons with you anytime she wants. Make sure you make her coupons good for things you know she enjoys but maybe you have been reluctant to do with her i.e. theatre, shopping, etc. Don’t make them all about sex. But make sure one of the coupons says “I’ll do anything you want. ” Make sure she knows that’s the most important coupon of all.

Then tell her that you would really enjoy having a coupon book that she makes up. That’s when you may hit pay dirt. If you make the book you give her really sensitive to the things you know she likes the chances are very good that she will reciprocate when she makes your book. Try to limit the number of coupons to 10 and put an expiration date of no more than thirty days on it.

Now, if she gives you a coupon that says “I’ll do anything you want” you will of course be ready with stockings and suspenders. But, make sure you make the entire evening very enjoyable. Buy her a nice dress. Take her to dinner. Buy her a corsage. Order a fine wine. Make it a celebration. Rent a hotel room… a good one. Let this be a very memorable event. From that time on she should associate stockings with a wonderful time and you will find it is much easier to get her to wear them Especially when you buy them as presents.

– I haven’t been married for 26 years (five for me), but here is how I got my wife to like 15 denier RHTs:

First, I simply ordered several pairs without her knowing about it, as well as a stong garter belt (with metal clips). Once we got them in the mail, I asked her to just put them on for love-making. She had no problem with that. To make it sexier for me, I would have her put on business suit and everything just so I could take everything off (but the garter and stockings). When she had her business suit on, I truthfully noted how much better the stockings made her legs look than the nylon/spandex/lycra mix in pantyhose. She looked down and noticed the same thing. The stockings are so sheer and sexy, that her legs looked so much better than when in pantyhose.

I ensured her that I couldn’t see the stocking tops when standing or sitting and told her that she should wear them to work. She agreed at that point. Before leaving for work, I told her to put an extra stocking in her purse just in case of a run (and thereby completely turning her off). Therefore, I did several things:

  1. Showed her how much better her legs looked in daily clothes of which she agreed.
  2. Convinced her that there is no way her work peers could notice that she was wearing stockings (which wouldn’t have bothered me – lol).
  3. Ensured she had a garter belt that would securely fasten her stockings, reducing the wrinkling around knees and ankles.
  4. Gave her an extra stocking just in case of runs (which she has had to turn to many times).
  5. Lastly, when she got home from work, I made love to her like never before… something she definitely values!

Hope this helps!

– Now here’s one more, give your wife freedom of choice, for me that was the clincher. Knowing it was my choice was very important to me. Everyone likes having a choice and no one likes being told what to do. When I am told what to do it instantly gets my defences up. Women want to know their husband or boyfriend loves them for who and what they are not what they wear.

The stockings versus tights war: battle two

Sexy TightsI have yet to see a pair of pantyhose that can match the sheen, lustre, and overall raw sexiness of a pair of well crafted stockings. The basis of nylon’s attractiveness is based on multisensory appeal…I feel that visually and tactilely pantyhose lack the impact that stockings possess. Even the sheerest of pantyhose lack the denier and gauge that gives stockings their superior appeal.

There is nothing more sensual than a beautiful woman adorned in nylon stockings and a garter belt. Being a Scot residing in Australia, I would compare the introduction of pantyhose to no longer being able to purchase square sausage. Both these events can easily be referred to as ‘tragedies’. I am 53-years old and feel privileged to have spent my courting years around such sexily presented girls in the sixties and early seventies.

You must understand the absolute pleasure of seeing a peek of stocking top revealed from beneath a woman’s skirt. The scenarios are plenty and everyday – getting in and out of cars, bending over a desk in the office, crossing legs on a train, sat on a barstool in the pub. Most men would not only notice a woman in a short skirt with sheer hosiery, but would look to see if they were stockings. The tell tale bumps further up the skirt is often another good indicator. These are the things that make the world go round, that make life worth living!

I have a partner of a number of years who finds the wearing of pantyhose preferable to that of stockings. This is for a number of reasons: she feels that they are more flattering, keeping unsightly bulges safely hidden away. She will occasionally wear stockings for me because that is what excites me most. However as for myself I find them the biggest turn off imaginable. There is absolutely no eroticism associated with pantyhose, absolutely no glamour associated with them. I cannot think of anything so tedious as a woman in bra, pants and pantyhose.

Never mind condoms, the pill, etc. the biggest contraceptive just has to be the pantyhose.

I remember the frustration I experienced as a young man, running my hand up the leg of the girl of the moment only to find a nylon gusset at the top and the disappointment I felt at the time. It is a fact that I would have experienced sexual intercourse more often had it not been for girl’s pantyhose.

Stockings (and for me in particular lace holdups) are in every way superior than those articles of the devil, the pantyhose. I have seen women coming down stairs on the London underground showing the lace top of her stockings and it has added that extra boost throughout the day. Pantyhose would not do this. Just the thought of running my hand up the leg of a ladies leg to find the top of stockings would increase my heart rate. Pantyhose would not do this. I have seen women remove pantyhose and remove stockings and every time I find stockings far more sensuous.

Stockings are the sexiest attire ever invented, the glimpse, feel and removing of which are the biggest guaranteed turn-ons. Tights are quite possibly the least sexiest thing ever invented; passion killing, fun stopping, turn offs.

I have never met a man that favoured pantyhose over nylon stockings (hold up or suspender-garterbelt type) in today’s society from the USA to Europe and all the islands. Stockings are making a greater comeback than the euro did for the dollar.

Since the invention of silk stockings men and woman have been intrigued with their allure. This pace slowed down on the introduction of pantyhose. I believe it was a quick fix for the fast paced business woman until lingerie from decades ago became very vogue. We now have a stocking frenzy…

The stockings versus tights war: battle one

StockingsWe are talking sex-appeal, right? In that case there is no doubt that seeing a beautiful ‘stockinged’ leg can be very sexy. The more leg the sexier. And pantyhose may facilitate such a sight. But that is where the matter ends, in more senses than one.

Surely no-one can successfully argue that the top of a pair of pantyhose has any sort of appeal, visual or sexual? The construction of this part of the garment is necessarily workaday and utilitarian in the extreme. There neither is nor can be any aesthetic attached to it.

Stockings, on the other hand, whether attached to suspenders or stay-ups, have infinite charm and variety from toe to top. They release the imagination rather than confine it. If, for a moment, one imagines a situation of intimacy, then the sight of a stocking top coming into view not only sets the heart and pulse racing, but indicates that that there will be no ungainly interference with greater intimacy.

As I see it the stocking is far preferable to tights for a number of reasons. Firstly, we have the effect of tights of imposing a barrier, they repel. Stockings on the other hand pose no barrier and invite. Secondly, the contrast between the flesh of the thigh and the stocking is alluring, the uniformity of the leg in tights is neither attractive nor unattractive it is neutral and therefore by definition bland suggesting that the wearer may be also. Finally, in the throes of passion, in those precious moments before consummation of a love act, the removal of stockings (if required) can be erotic, the removal of tights is closer to comedic performance.

As a commonly discussed subject amongst my friends (we are all well adjusted professional men in our twenties), we all love to see our wives/girlfriends in stockings. It is difficult to explain why but they have an attraction, an allure and this all makes them incredibly sexy.

I managed an M&S store and in all my time there, most men bought stockings for their partners or hold ups, particularly around Valentines day. A purchase of tights was very uncommon! Men who prefer tights are in the minority and are missing out and are frankly worrying individuals!

There is ABSOLUTELY no comparison. A beautiful woman in thigh high stockings is absolutely the most erotic sight one can view, while one in pantyhose (tights) may remain beautiful they don’t have the erotic equality what-so-ever.

To begin with, aesthetics: an otherwise-nude female in stockings and (hopefully) heels, is a walking billboard for ‘I’m naked, I’m available… and I want to look my best for you.’ Her femininity is there and available. On the other hand, a woman wearing pantyhose – whether with heels or not – is featuring a center of attention that looks a great deal like Bill the Cat thrown with great force against a screen door.

If you line up nine gorgeous women wearing pantyhose and one that was average in looks wearing stockings, told them all to sit in a chair and cross their legs, let their skirts ride high so you can just see the stocking tops on the one wearing stockings, then led me into the room and told me to pick one… guess which one I would pick?

I just asked the three girls I live with and we are all in total agreement. None of us like pantyhose and for many reasons, one being that it’s very unhealthy and another because they are ugly and irritating under a dress or skirt. All of us have worn pantyhose at one time or another and all of us have vowed to never do it again. Stockings and suspender belts are where it’s at, both for overall erotic appeal and for comfort of wear.

Men know the truth. If you can catch a woman with stockings or thigh highs on, look to see how many men are there, trying to steal a glance! This does not occur with nearly the same frequency when women are wearing tights (pantyhose).

Take two photos of the same model in the same classy environment, one wearing nothing but black pantyhose the other wearing nothing but black stockings and garters, then ask ten regular guys which photo they prefer and… I WIN… Stocking, Stocking, Stocking!

What is sexy about the top part of pantyhose? To be honest I find it a turn off to see a woman put on (or off) a pantyhose. If she does the same with a pair of stockings I find it very much a turn on and it adds a very nice accent to her femininity.

French heels

French heels stockingsI have been wearing fully fashioned seamed stockings for a number of years. I seem to recall in Europe a term called “French heel” being used. Is this the same as FF or is it a separate term used to describe the triangle made at the back of the heel?

– Fully fashioned refers to the way the stocking is made – one piece of nylon done in such a way to mimic the contours of the leg, and then sewn closed at the back, creating the seam. Years ago, the foot part and the seam were the same colour or so as the rest of the stocking. At some point someone hit on the idea of doing the seam and foot in black or other contrasting colours as a way to showcase the foot when slingbacks and ankle straps became popular.

The heel style has a number of different names, I guess depending on which side of the pond you’re on.

I have been under the impression that a squared heel was a Cuban heel, and the pointed heel was a French heel. However, I know that Secrets in Lace calls them something else entirely.

– I’m pretty sure that in Europe the French heel referred to the triangular shape that ended in a square at the top. I could be wrong. It certainly explains how I have always received blank looks in America when asking for a pair of stockings with a French heel.

– As far as I know (and I’ve known fully fashioned hosiery for years) a French heel finishes with a point. A Cuban heel finishes with a squared top. These will vary in length and width but as far as I know they are still recognised as Cuban heels. There is also a Havana heel which is much like a Cuban heel. Then there is the Manhattan Heel. It’s a fancy edition with a triangle top and a thin outline around the heel and foot. Years ago there were many really fancy heel designs knitted into the fully fashioned stockings. Once in a while you can find a pair at E-Bay. These were works of art!

French heels are simply point heels trying to be posh!