Why scarcity is good

“I have seen a number of posts here recently lamenting the ‘fall of elegance’ and the frequency of slacks, bare legs, opaques, etc, and I wonder if it is necessarily a bad thing.

“Even if computers were available to the mainstream in 1950, a forum like this one could not have existed. Stockings were just another item of clothing. NOW when we see them we get a thrill – our pulses race – we rush to tell our friends about it! Like ball gowns, hats, gloves, tiaras, etc, stockings and thigh-highs have gathered an aura of mystique and exotica.

“If I could be transferred by time machine back to 1950, for about six months I would be goggle eyed, looking for suspender-bumps, girdles, slips, etc. And after a while it would be old hat! The thrill would go and life would be that much greyer…

“By becoming a rare item, stockings have gained the ability to give what James Joyce (incidentally, an underwear freak) would have called an ‘epiphany’.

“As to the universal wearing of slacks, the wish for stewardesses to wear them, etc, I can’t blame them. True, stockings make a woman sexier than pantyhose, and pantyhose are still sexier than slacks or bare legs… but when one has to do a job, one wants to be as unrestrained as possible. I know on hot Brisbane days like today I give thanks to the gods that I can wear swimmers or shorts, and not have to go around in a suit. If I were a woman and had to wear pantyhose or other nylons, a girdle and a tight skirt I too would be pushing for a reasonable dress code.

“I congratulate those here who elect to put up with the occasional disadvantages of stockings in return for the way they make them feel. But by the same token I can hardly blame any woman who elects to don slacks for casual or ‘everyday’ wear.

“Imagine if Christmas came every day – wouldn’t we all get sick of it?”

“If I had the chance to travel back to 1950, when all women dressed appropriately and looked so very feminine in their lovely dresses and skirts and wore gartered stockings everyday and always acted like ladies, I’d jump at the chance! And forget about staying for just six months, I’d NEVER want to go back

“I am old enough to have dated women when stockings were the norm. I always anticipated the silky-soft thigh flesh above the welt. It never got old.

“I have been doubly blessed to have married a woman who has chosen to wear stockings almost every day for the last thirty years. She is as beautiful and elegant today as she was the day we wed. Have the stockings and the fashion statement they make contributed to my continued passion for her? Without a doubt. They have enriched our life together. I still, to this moment, feel as stimulated by her as I did the first time we met. Would it be the same if she wore pantyhose? I don’t know but I am glad I don’t have to find out.

“I do, however, know this. When my male clients describe the woman of their dreams and I ask what she is wearing they almost always say ‘a garterbelt and stockings’.

“No, familiarity has not bred contempt. Seeing my wife in stockings each day has not made me take her for granted. It has had quite the opposite effect and I am so glad!”

“I have to agree with you. Most people, male or female do not stop to think about what they are going to wear on their legs and feet. I would think that most women simply reach for the tights first thing in the morning.

“We revere stockings on this forum because of their intrinsic elegance and sexiness – not to mention rarity value. We are unusual in taking our enthusiasm to the point of debating it on this forum. And much as we might like the government to pass legislation forcing Aristoc to reintroduce mass production of Harmony Points and advertising campaigns aimed at women to wear stockings, high heel shoes and skirts every day, it would never happen. I would not like to be told to wear a three-piece suit every day.

“Dress standards have ‘fallen’ but dress has become a way of expressing oneself and we have to salute those ladies who express themselves through stockings and suspenders. That doesn’t mean that we should condemn the others who don’t.”

“Wrong! Born in 1928, I can assure you that I and my contemporaries never tired of glimpses of stocking tops, garters and bare thigh traversed by garter straps which disappeared above. We were just infinitely more successful than anyone today. It may be that many aspects of today’s life are better than before. But I would relish the opportunity to return to that part of the past.”

“I like the feeling of being dressed properly for work every day. In fact, I was in a new pair of two tone shoes and sheer black stockings the other day, and received no end of glances from men on the street! I’m probably about one in every ten women wearing a dress or skirt every day – I like that.

“But, by the same token, I like knowing that I have the flexibility to wear what I like depending on the weather, knowing I am not at the mercy of some outmoded dress code. I recall stories from older women about the misery of winter when pants were not an option for them. That’s one of the nice things about living now. Being a lady – and also a gentleman – is more than the clothes on your back; it’s the teaching and correction you’ve been given from the time you’re a child – and in my case, not a small amount of Catholic guilt!”

“Some thoughts:

“1. I’ve always been a stocking fan – even when stockings were the norm (I was born 1954).

“2. I have known many women who refused to appear unladylike even in the hottest weather. They always dressed in suits, dresses and wore nylon hosiery.

“3. I have remained the same in my admiration for feminine elegance. The world has changed around me.

“4. Granted, you make a point on the practicality argument. Question: is it practicality or changing (‘degrading’ or unisex) fashion sense? At one time women did many of the same jobs they do now but dressed more femininely (factory jobs excluded where even the 1940s’ ‘Rosie the Riveter’ wore jeans). At one time women ‘wanted to look like women’ or ‘ladies’, a description that has now taken on sexist overtones. This was a desired gender look and statement. It did not mean they thought themselves second class. It’s that they knew they were a very different (some thought superior) gender, and revelled both in the interior psychological and external (clothing, makeup) manifestations of it.

“5. Because it is slightly more ‘uncomfortable’ to wear dressy clothes (even for a man), does that mean one shouldn’t – particularly in business and to some degree generally in public spaces? The trade-off is that I often feel psychologically ‘better’ wearing smarter clothes. And I do at times enjoy making a fashion statement. And many people (men as well as women) do not at all think it uncomfortable. They like to look nice and hate appearing shabbily dressed.

“6. As for the ‘mystique’ that certain feminine garments and undergarments have taken on, it is unfortunate that it has come to this. I wish for no ‘epiphany’, I’d love to see this in everyday life.

“7. Yes, I may get tired of Christmas every day. I never get tired of looking at an elegantly dressed woman. Never.”

Pocket Rocket Massager

Pocket Rocket MassagerLoversPremium waterproof massager with glitters and grooved bottom for a secure grip. Includes four pleasure caps to arouse, tingle, excite and caress. The small size is perfect for traveling.

Requires 1 AA battery (not included).

Check for more information the LoversPremium website: www.loverspremium.com

The man who buys all his wife’s clothing

“A few posts back I mentioned that my beautiful wife of thirty years is a daily wearer of stockings. A respondent thereupon tagged me ‘the luckiest guy in the world’. I believe every man in my position probably believes he is similarly blessed. But it was not always so. When I first began dating my wife she was a pantyhose wearer. I have read the advice others have given about how to persuade one’s significant other to wear stockings and perhaps these tactics work, but many of them feel a bit deceptive to me.

“I told my then future wife that I appreciated elegant women. I do. I told her that she was an elegant woman. She was and is. I asked her if she would be offended if I purchased her clothing, all her clothing. I made it very clear that I would NOT be offended if she decided she did not like anything I purchased and that it would be promptly returned and replaced with something else of my choosing. If she did not like that, back it would go too. She agreed and added that she would continue to purchase items she liked also. It made sense to me.

“You are probably thinking that this was a very expensive and time-consuming venture. Not really. I have two ‘vices’ that I enjoy thoroughly and are not cheap. Firstly, I enjoy fine cigars and secondly, I love seeing my wife dressed elegantly from the skin out. I can buy a very nice dress for my wife for the cost of two cigars (my cigars average about $25US each.) The cigars will please me for about an hour each. The dress (and its wearer) will give me pleasure every time she wears it.

“For 28 of the last 30 years I have bought every article of clothing my wife wears except for shoes. I usually buy one or two items a month – not counting stockings which I buy 24 pairs at a time. I never wait for holidays or birthdays to buy her these ‘gifts’. I buy other gifts on those occasions, usually jewelry. I buy her clothing as routinely as I buy my own clothing. My wife is the envy of her girlfriends and co-workers. Over the years I have learned her tastes in colors and fit and I have matched them to my own preferences to reach a perfect blend. She loves it. So do I.

“My male friends (those that know I do this) probably think it a bit weird. I agree. It is, sadly, abnormal in these times to find marriages that have lasted 30 years. It is unusual to find couples together this long as romantically interested in each other as we seem to be. And, it is quite strange to find a non-transvestite man away on a business trip who is as well known by the clerks in the better women’s clothing stores as he is by the bartender in the local pub.

“So, my advice to those of you wishing to express your desire to see your significant other in stockings and gartebelt: think about it. I think you will agree that our beloved stockings are the finishing touch, the aperitif, the fine cognac. It is a total look which we crave. It is our desire to honour our significant other by helping them achieve an elegant style that glorifies them and reflects well on us. Be straightforward early on. Speak plainly, openly and honestly of your feelings and listen to hers. Listen closely. Then, seek a solution that creates a win-win situation for both of you. Be flexible and patient. Over the years things will change as situations change. Even then, seek win-win solutions. After all, isn’t that the basis of a good marriage anyway? My beautiful bride told me last year that a touch of arthritis is starting to make fastening her garters a little harder. So, guess who does that every morning? Yes, maybe I am the luckiest guy in the world and she says she’s the luckiest woman. That’s what I call win-win.”

“You may think me rather forward, but I assure you I was raised by my parents to always be polite and have good manners. I also am a strong advocate of PERSONAL CHOICE. I don’t agree with you buying everything for your wife, as her clothing should be to her preferences. Certainly you should suggest, but not insist. I cannot believe you would buy her underwear and bras. How do you know what feels most comfortable to her? I am a lady and could not begin to wear half the clothes others have picked out for me, as they are either too short, or the wrong fabric type. I have allergies to polyester fibrefill, which makes a lining in any bra impossible unless I want a bright red rash! I have to select what bras and underwear will fit me best as only I know what feels comfortable.

“Plus, my husband won’t choose clothes for me as he worries I won’t like them. Yet if I am with him and suggest something to him and tell him I like it he may go back later and get it.

Only five months ago I started wearing stockings. I had tried them as a teenager but with disastrous results. I have now found I love fully fashioned stockings and am surprised at how soft and silky they are, and how feminine I feel in them. I love pastel colors, except yellow and peach, and lavender. You see I also feel a lady should be allowed to wear clothing that suits her personal style and I have always been very different, not a trend follower at all.”

“Permit me to correct a mis-impression I may have caused. I currently buy my wife’s clothing, all of it. But, as I tried to say in my original post, in the beginning of our marriage she said she would continue to purchase things she likes. And, for almost 25 years she did. So, during that time we were both buying clothing for her. We have been married 30 years, and in 30 years one does learn a lot about another. She has become so comfortable with my understanding of her taste and my ability to blend it with my own that for the last five years I have bought all her clothing. Oh yes, she will sometimes buy an item she sees and must have. But the last time that happened was three years ago at a speciality shop in Captiva, FL.

“I am only too well aware of her preferences. I never buy underwired bras, for example, because she doesn’t care for them. I have learned, through trial and error and having to return items, what colours she likes. I know that she prefers loose fitting clothing and she loves empire waists. She hates pleats. She loves suits, she never wears pants, jeans or slacks. You get the idea. She is not allergic to any fibre but if she were I would have found out long ago and never purchased it.

“My wife is financially independent. She has her own career, her own substantial income, her own circle of friends and her own charities and interests. This is not a woman that one can control. I would have less respect for her if I could.

“I am fortunate to have married a woman who enjoys my attention, appreciates my purchases and fulfils my fantasies. I was simply trying to share with the group that when I first married her I believed I married a diamond in the rough. I think many people when they first marry can see untapped potential in their partners. Maybe some marry ‘what can be’ and are willing to start out with what is. I had an idea of how to cut and polish that diamond and she consented to let me try. Over the years she has told me that she saw great potential in me. I hope I have achieved whatever it is she had hoped for.

“One afternoon, early on in our marriage, I bought almost a thousand dollars (US) in clothing and lingerie. I had it gift wrapped and presented it to her that evening. I ended up taking about half of it back. I learned a lot about her tastes that day. On another occasion I purchased three matched pieces of monogram Vuitton – a wallet, a purse and a key carrier. I believe they were about $3500 (US.) She carried the purse (by far the most expensive item) once. She loves the wallet and the key carrier. Again, I learned.

“It all starts with communication. When I began buying my wife’s clothing it was only natural that we began communicating about what she liked and what I liked. Since I bought her clothing once or twice a month we communicated about this issue at least once or twice a month. For me stockings are a fetish. They are linked, in my mind, with elegance, glamour and sexual promise. For 30 years I have been communicating on a regular basis with my beloved wife on these issues. And, equally importantly, she has been regularly communicating her feelings on these and other issues with me. If more marriages were this way I believe there would be less unhappiness and divorce.”

“”I am learning the same lesson as your wife once learned. My husband has begun to buy my clothing for me as well. We have only been married for about 1.5 years, but have been together for almost six. He has complained that I was a frumpy dresser – long skirts, over size items – and I am not a large gal. I just have always believed myself to be large.

“Anyhow, I am continually amazed by my husband’s taste, both in the cut of the clothing, but the colours. He picks things out for me that I would run away from in a heartbeat. But, I try them on and discover that they are perfect! So, this is now his job. It’s difficult giving up old habits, though. My first inclination is to gravitate to the ankle length skirts, my husband to the minis. We’ve compromised – about knee length and sassy. As much as he would like to see me in short things, I need to feel sure about what I’m wearing, or I’ll appear ill at ease. I am getting better at trusting his judgment – so far he’s winning streak!”

Venus & Vulcan Couples Set

Enjoy this couples set either together or alone. One toy for him and one toy for her. Use them before or during sex. This set includes a rabbit vibrator and a vibrating masturbator.Both (USB) chargeable, waterproof and made of body-safe silicone material. Both products feature a boost acceleration button for direct and explosive extra pleasure.

Colour: Pink and Grey

Description vibrator:
Stylish rabbit vibrator with rotating g-spot stimulator and vibrating clitoris stimulator. Chargeable (USB), waterproof and made of body-safe silicone material. This vibrator features a boost acceleration button that makes the tip rotate faster, which ensures even greater explosive pleasure.

Specifications vibrator:
– Material: High grade silicone and ABS
– Phthalate free
– Number of whisper quiet motors: 2
– Vibration function: 10 speeds / pulsations
– Rotations per minute: 120-480 rpm
– Waterproof
– Rotation function: 3 speeds
– Boost acceleration button
– Battery: (USB) Rechargeable
– Weight: 240 gram
– Running time: 80 minutes
– Charge time: 2,5 hours
– Voltage information: 3.7 V

Description masturbator:
Vibrating masturbator. Chargeable (USB), waterproof and made of body-safe silicone material. This masturbator features a boost acceleration button for direct and even more explosive vibration.

Specifications masturbator:
– Material: High grade silicone and ABS
– Phthalate free
– Number of whisper quiet motors: 1
– Vibration function: 10 speeds / pulsations
– Waterproof
– Boost acceleration button
– Battery: (USB) Rechargeable
– Weight: 185 gram
– Running time: 80 minutes
– Charge time: 2,5 hours
– Voltage information: 3.7 V

Everyday garterbelts and their sexy sisters

– Not everyone wears stockings and garters for sheer sexual reasons. I started at age 10. I had bad yeast infections and still do six years later. I still wear hose but enjoy them for many of the reasons a lot people here would agree with… My collection of garterbelts varies form sexy to cotton everyday ones. I have also found it is cheaper to wear hose as one stocking can be matched with another when damaged. I miss wearing really short skirts when younger.

– I’d like to ask you a couple of questions… How do you distinguish between ‘everyday’ garter belts’ and ‘sexy’ ones? Personally I find all garter belts sexy; but sexiness is often in the eye of the beholder, don’t you think? Your ‘everyday’ might be some man’s ‘sexy’! And secondly, do your friends know you wear stockings and garter belts, and what reaction do you get from them?

– I agree. Garterbelts can range from ‘sexy’ to ‘everyday’. I currently have 51 garterbelts in my collection. The ones I consider sexy, are the ones that are not designed to be worn under clothes. For example, I have one with a lace ruffles on the sides, another decorated with silver chains and another with neon glow-in-the-dark trim. The everyday ones are basically for holding up your stockings… that’s it.

As for wearing a short skirt, I miss that, too. But, there is a time and a place for that. Usually, once or twice a month, my friends and I go club hopping. Most of the time we wear short skirts with stockings. We always have a blast.

– Everyday suspenders are the ones that actually work and allow one to wear stockings for a whole day with no problems. These are plain, no frilly straps, but they work!

– For daily wearing there is no need for frillies. The best garter belts are totally plain and – this is important for me – do not have those awkward garter ribbons. Just a nuisance, until you remove them.

– Though I’d love to see glow-in-the-dark suspenders, the plain practical ones also seem to me essentially the sexiest, i.e. a good flexible no-nonsense strap, with no ribbon to hide the (preferably) metal clasp. And deep at the belt. though one of the great things about suspenders/garters is their infinite variety – 51 varieties!

To answer a few of your questions, I buy my garterbelts from almost any store that sells them. From classy lingerie shops to discount department stores. I bought the neon glow-in-the-dark garterbelt in a lingerie/novelty shop called ‘…It Store’, last year when I was in Canada. And, in case you’re wondering, the world record for the largest collection of garterbelts is 3,059 (this was 3 years ago), by a woman in California. It is categorised under ‘collections’.

Venus Vibrator

Stylish rabbit vibrator with rotating g-spot stimulator and vibrating clitoris stimulator. Chargeable (USB), waterproof and made of body-safe silicone material. This vibrator features a boost acceleration button that makes the tip rotate faster, which ensures even greater explosive pleasure.

– Material: High grade silicone and ABS
– Phthalate free
– Number of whisper quiet motors: 2
– Vibration function: 10 speeds / pulsations
– Rotations per minute: 120-480 rpm
– Waterproof
– Rotation function: 3 speeds
– Boost acceleration button
– Battery: (USB) Rechargeable
– Weight: 240 gram
– Running time: 80 minutes
– Charge time: 2,5 hours
– Voltage information: 3.7 V

Tights, stockings, modesty

– Do tights allow a woman a safety factor in not having to worry about accidentally showing too much?

An example was shown to me today. The lady who looks after the office services for the building was trying to sort out a problem in the office this morning and whilst bending over her skirt rode up very high. It was clear that she was wearing tights and no embarrassment occurred. However if she had been wearing stockings would she have allowed herself to bend over to such an extent?

– Like many others, I think a glimpse of stockinged thigh is worth much more than an eyeful of pantyhosed thigh and apart from being a gentleman and appearing not to have noticed, the advantage of an undisclosed sighting is that you may get another one!

At one time I was attracted to a lady in her ’30s with a curvacious figure who worked in a television rental shop. She wore the corporate navy blue suit but there was always something about her legs that suggested stockings rather than tights. There were no give away reinforced heels, seams or even bumps until one day she was kneeling on the floor fixing an aerial cable and she leant over exposing the profile of the lower hem of a girdle with, I think, rear and side suspenders through the tightly stretched fabric of her skirt.

So, she kept her modesty, but I got to know…

Vulcan Masturbator Black

Vulcan Masturbator Black

Vibrating masturbator with an exciting inner structure of soft and stimulating nubs. This masturbator features a boost acceleration button for direct and even more explosive vibration. He is fully rechargeable (USB), waterproof and made of body-safe silicone material. MEER_INFO]

– Material: High grade silicone and ABS
– Phthalate free
– Number of whisper quiet motors: 1
– Vibration function: 10 speeds / pulsations
– Waterproof
– Boost acceleration button
– Battery: (USB) Rechargeable
– Weight: 185 gram
– Running time: 80 minutes
– Charge time: 2,5 hours
– Voltage information: 3.7 V
– Diameter: 4,3 cm

A question of class and confidence

– I’m a 35 year old female residing in New Orleans, Louisiana. A male friend I chat with on America Online introduced me to this forum and I thought readers might enjoy my own story and viewpoint on our ‘favourite subject’.

I’ve always enjoyed lingerie and dressing well, but during a ten year unfulfilling marriage I didn’t take a lot of time for either. Three years ago after my divorce, all that began to change. I started dating quite a lot. I found myself dressing much better both for work and certainly for dates. I also started chatting a lot on AOL. I would often ask guys how they liked a woman to dress and a great majority of the time, stockings and garters were included in the description. Like most women, I had never worn them but I decided to give them a try. I think it was the way they made me feel combined with the reaction I got from my dates that got me hooked.

I won’t tell you that I switched exclusively to wearing stockings. At first I just wore them in the bedroom but eventually I began wearing them on dates and finally under my dresses for work. I’ve always felt very sexy wearing them but if I had to use one word to describe how I feel wearing them it would be classy.

The more that I wore stockings and garters, the more I found myself wanting to wear them. I certainly found myself wearing dresses and skirts for work far more often than I had before. Since I began wearing them, I have met several women who wear stockings rather than pantyhose and I have found several common threads that seem to unite them. One is that they are generally professional women who dress very well to begin with. They tend to rarely wear pants and almost never for work. They tend to be in good shape, very self confident but unlike a lot of today’s working women they also seem to enjoy being women. I know that this description fits me and the other women I have met who enjoy stockings; I’m wondering if readers of this forum have found the same thing?

– It was good to read your post re your feelings about wearing nylon stockings and garterbelts. I have always thought such things added a lot of erotic allure. So I’m glad to see some women are actually catching on!

When I began seriously dating in my last year of high school, my girlfriend Betty always wore a garterbelt and sheer nylons when we went out. She had a rule, being protective of her virginity, that I could caress her legs up under her skirt but only to one hand width above her stocking tops! I always begged her to wear longer stockings! I have to tell you what a thrill it was to sit in a movie and caress her smooth sheer stocking clad legs and anticipate the even greater thrill to feel that limited bit of bare thigh as we would ‘make-out’ in the car afterwards! I think I got just as much excitement from that as the actual sex act when we began ‘going-all-the-way’

Now I know you will think this wierd of me, but one night during a weekend getaway at the shore, we were clowning around and she got me to try on a pair of her nylon stockings. Gad I loved the feeling!

But now for the weird part. I could not get the feeling of having those sheer gossamer nylon stockings on my legs out of my mind! I was compelled to buy a few pair and try them on. Before long I had several garterbelts and numerous pair of stockings. I was even wearing them out and about, under my pants. I know you will think this odd, but after all, you gals wear whatever you please, so why shouldn’t I?

– I just switched over to wearing stockings and a garterbelt five months ago, and I’m finding I love my silky soft fully fashioned stockings. They make me feel very sexy indeed. I have lots of skirts and dresses and I like feeling very feminine wearing them. Stockings make wearing them extra special because it’s a feeling I just can’t get with pantyhose.

– I just wish there were more women in the Phoenix, Arizona area that wore stockings as part of their regular business attire or even casual. I feel kind of alone in my liking for stockings.

– There’s no doubt in my mind that stockings are much classier – my experience is that it is a certain type of lady who wears them. I find it more exciting to come across someone who wears them on an everyday basis – I think it shows real independence because most will automatically chose pantyhose.

– Your comments about the type of lady that is attracted to the elegance and class of stockinged-attire matches my ‘male’ perspective. While I’m unsure whether my perspective is factual, or fantasy, I know my wife’s experience equates to the personal experience you shared with your posting.

After working in our family business for many years, she accepted a job at the headquarters of an ‘old school’ multinational corporation headquartered here in Atlanta.

She started working out regularly at a health club shortly after her re-entry to the business world. As she lost weight and toned up, she gained i ‘nterest in feminine attire. She agreed to wear stockings on more formal occasions, and expressed appreciation for the positive feedback. She commented often that she felt more elegant when clad in stockings, and she began wearing stockings to work.

My observations of ladies I’ve noticed wearing stockings and garters is they appear more upscale, fit, and confident. Maybe it’s what I look to see, or maybe it’s the ‘look’ that catches my eyes. But, from my male perspective, confident women clad with the finished touch of stockings ALWAYS attract my visual attention. They leave a distinct image of tasteful class and elegance.

LoversPremium – Massager

LoversPremium - MassagerThis massager from LoversPremium is surprisingly powerful and has a stylish design. The pink LED-light enables a massage in the bedroom.

Thanks to the soft easy-grip, giving a massage has never been so comfortable. Experience more pleasure during giving a massage; the cushy gel head provides comfort when massaging. Also on the spots where the fingers need to be placed, gel pillows are situated.

The easy on/off button enables a direct massage and provides directed vibrations for a relaxing massage.

Because of the smooth surface, the massager glides easily over the whole body.

The size of this wellness product is perfect so you can take it everywhere.

Width: 9 cm
Height: 8,5 cm

Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included).

Check for more information the LoversPremium website: www.loverspremium.com