Origins of a stocking fetish

“Clothing-related fetishes are linked to fashions that are seen between the ages of about 5 and 15, when male sexuality is developing. The stockings and suspender/garter belt fetish primarily has its origins in the 1950s and 60s. Previously, directoire knickers, bloomers and corsets were ‘the thing’. The shapely ankle, today a phrase that seems faintly ridiculous, was a strong fetish with 19th century origins. Tights and pantyhose are an increasingly common fetish, as can be seen from the content of ‘leg’ magazines and the suppliers of photo sets. This is entirely predictable. Claims that stockings are ‘sexier’ than tights are incorrect. No piece of clothing, of itself, is sexy. Most sexologists/psychologists claim that women (natural women, not TVs and transsexuals etc) do not have fetishes, but this belief is entirely incorrect. A fetish generally has to have some ‘unusual’ aspect to it, so men’s socks won’t turn many women on!”

“The year was 1967. I had an evening paper round in Southampton where I live. I was 16 and just about to leave school at the end of the summer. On my evening paper round a girl aged about 18 would cycle past me every evening wearing extremely short flimsy summer dresses. The mini skirt/dress was the height of fashion and a lot of girls had already started wearing tights. Not this girl however, she would cycle past me every evening for the duration of the summer with her skirt above her nylon tan stocking tops and white suspenders. Later that year I started work at what was then Southern Gas only to find that she worked there also. Sadly by then she was wearing tights. My fetish began at a much earlier age but this is my best recollection due to the fact that it lasted for months at the same time of 5.45 each weekday.”

“It was 1981 and I was studying in the University Research Library at UCLA, where I was finishing up my freshman year. I was totally engrossed in whatever I was reading at the time (which, considering my grades that year, is still pretty hard to believe!), but at a certain point, I happened to notice that a striking young woman had sat down across from me.

“I think what initially caught my eye was a slight wrinkling or bagging of her (I thought) pantyhose around her ankles. I found the sight both odd and compelling… so my eyes continued upward. She was wearing a black skirt (about down to her calf) with a slit in the side, fairly high up her thigh. At first, that didn’t mean anything, but when she slightly shifted her position in her chair, it meant EVERYTHING!

“For when she shifted, the slit opened up to reveal a lovely, well-shaped thigh, a beautiful black garter strap and the welt of her stocking. Immediately, I lost ALL interest in whatever it was I had been reading and focused all of my attention on this beautiful woman. Not having EVER seen stockings and garters outside the pages of Playboy, I couldn’t believe this woman was showing me hers… she must’ve noticed my attention (or my blushing face…), because she then crossed her legs VERY slowly, allowing the slit to open further, exposing more and more stocking-clad leg. When she took off her shoe to rub her foot, I’d never seen anything like that before… what I now know to be a ‘blackfoot’ stocking. I was, to say the least, entranced!

“After what seemed like hours (but was more likely only a few minutes), she got up and left. As I watched her walk away and admired the straightness of her seams, I found myself packing up my things and hurrying after her. Being a shy freshman and not nearly as confident as I am today, I wasn’t able to go introduce myself, so I followed her at a discreet distance. Her class must’ve been all the way across campus, as it seemed like I was walking behind her for a LONG time. Mind you, I was in heaven watching those seams dancing just in front of me. I could even faintly hear the sound of her stockings rubbing together. What a sound!

“Finally, she got to her classroom. I couldn’t well follow her in, so I was thrilled when she got a seat adjacent to the open door. She then proceeded to cross her legs and move the slit so that I could still see the garter strap stretching to attach to the welt of her stocking. At one point, she reached down and started to adjust it. Well, I was about ready to explode by then… thankfully, my dorm room was fairly close by! And that is how it all began for me…”

Fifty Shades of Grey – 24 Days Countdown Calender

Fifty Shades of Grey - 24 Days Countdown Calender

A 24 piece collection of the bestselling pleasure products from our Fifty Shades of Grey collection, beautifully presented in a countdown-style calendar.

Beautiful packaging and presentation will make it an ideal gift for the holiday and Valentine’s seasons. Gift box in ‘advent calendar’ style with 24 windows to open. The countdown calendar will also offer excellent value for money for customers with great savings on RRPs.

6 for women:
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– Secret Touching Finger Vibrator (The Weekend Collection)
– Heavenly Massage Bullet Vibrator (The Weekend Collection)
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– Sweet Tease Nipple Stimulators (The Weekend Collection)
– Just Sensation Clitoral Clamp (Fifty Shades of Grey)

6 for men:
– Secret Weapon Vibrating Love Ring (The Weekend Collection)
– A Perfect O Love Ring (The Weekend Collection)
– Again and Again Adjustable Love Ring (The Weekend Collection)
– Driven by Desire Pleasure Plug (The Weekend Collection)
– Carnal Bliss Pleasure Beads (The Weekend Collection)
– Nothing but Sensation Nipple Stimulators (The Weekend Collection)

6 for couple’s:
– Foreplay dice (New product)
– Blindfold (Fifty Shades Darker)
– Feather Tickler (Fifty Shades Darker)
– The Pinch Nipple Clamps (Fifty Shades of Grey)
– Rope (Fifty Shades Darker)
– Still Baby Still Bondage Tape (Fifty Shades of Grey)

6 couple’s bondage:
– Adrenaline Spikes Pin Wheel (Fifty Shades Darker)
– Hard Limits Wrist Restraints (Fifty Shades of Grey)
– Hard Limits Ankle Restraints (Fifty Shades of Grey)
– Hog tie (New product)
– Paddle (Fifty Shades Darker)
– Flogger (New product)

Embarrassing moments while wearing stockings

“I’m 27and new to this site. I wear stockings regularly and I thought I would share my most embarrassing moment with you. In 1993, when I was 19, I began work at a public library. Wanting to look smart on my first day I put on my best skirt. The trouble was it was a little too tight, but I managed to fit into it, just. When I was walking across the main floor of the library my button popped off and my skirt slipped down to my knees. I briefly showed my stocking tops and benders to a few dozen people. As I bent to quickly pull up my skirt my knickered bum was quickly flashed as well. I blushed as red as a beetroot and nearly died of embarrassment. I didn’t dare face the people who had seen my underwear so I hid in the offices for as long as I could.”

“I was invited along with the rest of my colleagues to an evening wedding reception for which a coach was laid on to take us to the venue. As it was quite a posh do I was wearing a full length flowing skirt. As I was going down the steps of the coach my skirt dragged along the floor and someone behind me stepped on the hem. As I continued getting off the coach, the skirt button flew off and the zip came down – swiftly followed by my skirt which ended up in a crumpled heap on the pavement leaving me stood in my black stockings cornflower blue sussies and knickers. I pulled my skirt back up and fortunately one of the ladies had a safety pin which saved the day. I did get quite a lot of attention from the guys that night and I don’t think I bought a drink all night!”

“Way, way back in 1959 I was an office junior in a large government office. Those, of course, were the days when nylons and suspenders were universally worn. I too lost my skirt without warning, but I had on a flouncy petticoat underneath, which probably only served to make me look even more ridiculous. Adding insult to injury my petticoat was semi-transparent so my knickers and sussies were seen by all. Even after all these years, I still feel my cheeks glowing crimson when I recall it!”

“I was walking across the open-plan office where I work with a colleague of 26 (I’m 52) when I heard the unmistakeable ‘ping’ of a suspender coming loose. My colleague blushed and nodded when I asked if she was wearing suspenders. I still wear them for work but I was surprised at a girl of her age.

“I’ve been a closet wearer of stockings under business clothes for decades. I usually wear nude or light beige stockings with a wide pull-on garterbelt. At a meeting some years ago I stood up to give my short presentation. As I did so, a front garter released with what seemed like a cannon shot to me. I couldn’t believe it had not been heard by everyone, but no one seemed to take notice. I hurriedly finished my talk, and adjourned to the men’s room to re-attach the garter. Since then, I always pinch the front garter with pliers to prevent a repetition. It seems effective.”

“Never embarrass a lady who is wearing stockings in any way. All of us (and that includes me) are expected to act like the ladies and gentlemen we are, with good manners at all times. It upsets me when I read of someone being careless in how they exit a table and cause exposure of someone who would rather not be exposed. Believe me when I say, no lady has to wear stockings. They do have other choices such as pantyhose and thigh highs. So when they are wearing stockings they deserve respect and to be treated with the utmost dignity.”

X Spirotip Vibrator

X Spirotip Vibrator

Zumio excites your pleasure zone like nothing else. Women have always known that the best way to pleasure themselves is with the circular motion of a fingertip. Zumio makes that proven motion even better, so you can experience a wide variety of new, wonderful sensations.

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“Wow, it sure lets me hit the right spots.”
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Yes, some people will have to get used to the design of the Zumio – it has a very different look. Some say it’s not so sexy looking, but the reviews indicate an efficiency that proves otherwise. Zumio brings women to an intense orgasm, even women who experience difficulties achieving an orgasm find this product very helpful. It’s a great addition for couples who love to play. Never judge a book by its cover!

How it works
Zumio SpiroTIP whirls around in tiny circles, applying wonderfully unique pulses of pleasure to one small area on the body (vagina) at a time.
Each sensory zone around, near, and right on your clitoral button has a unique pleasure sensation and only Zumio lets you zoom in to experience each one.
Go solo or use Zumio with a partner, even while making love. Zumio’s light weight, small tip and slender, non-vibrating handle make it easy to hold in one hand. So you or your partner can enjoy in many positions, and while making love.

– Invented and designed by women
– 8 speed settings to adjust intensity
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– Medical-grade silicone / ABS plastics
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– Induction re-chargeable by USB
– Long lasting battery life
– 1-year warranty

Study Highlights
– Orgasm Control Study:
89% achieved an orgasm in under 5 minutes.
63% achieved an orgasm in under 2 minutes.
69% achieved multiple orgasms.
– Orgasm Intensity Study:
56% say more intense than intercourse.
71% say more intense than masturbation.
62% say more satisfying than their other toys.

Package Includes
– Zumio X
– Charging base
– USB cable
– Storage bag
– User manual

Why do women still wear stockings?

I hope that if there are any women reading this they will take the time to end my (and maybe a lot of other men’s) curiosity over why women still wear ‘classic’ stockings and suspenders (garters) instead of ‘newer’ and ‘easier’ hosiery such as hold-ups or the so called suspender tights my wife recently bought.

My wife (28) started wearing stockings just after we got married and still wears stockings now and then, but less than she used to, mainly on occasions. She also always complained about embarrassing and awkward moments when her suspenders either broke or came undone. It always seems to happen when we are out. She hasn’t worn stockings to work for some time since she got embarrassed when giving a presentation at work one day.

I also remember about three years ago on my way to work in the city a young woman walking ahead in the street in a funny way. She turned a corner into a side street I also took. When I also turned the corner she was a little bit ahead obviously trying to do up a stocking. I don’t think she saw me or succeeded because when going up the same steps to my building I could see she was still trying to keep it up. She ended up going into my building and the same elevator. It was in the elevator that she noticed me glancing below, and she was obviously a bit embarrassed just smiled and said ‘trouble down below’, or something like that! She got off at a different floor!

I know that most women don’t wear stockings these days and I’m certainly not complaining that my wife does! But I am curious why, if there is so much awkwardness and potential embarrassment why do so many women continue? Just how common is it really? Has it ever caused any problems?

– As Innova would probably tell you, the advantages far, far outweigh the occasional disadvantage in my eyes. It’s like saying why do you drive a Ferrari when it uses so much fuel? There will be the occasional hitch, but these things happen, and they are far less problematic to me than the health risks and sheer non-sexiness of pantyhose.

– Thanks for your sincere reply Abby. I understand what you’re saying and I suppose from a purely male and obviously ‘selfish’ point of view I could say I don’t care why women wear stockings despite hitches – I’m not complaining.

The ‘problem’ is that my wife doesn’t wear stockings anywhere as much as she used to until recently, though she did originally say that they were nice to wear. I was just curious to know whether the sort of problems she tells me about were actually ‘normal’. It was in fact the first time my wife wore stockings when we went out and were getting out of the car she told me that one of her suspenders had broken. I didn’t even know she was wearing them!

Most recently she told me that while sitting down her rear (?) fasteners somehow opened (?) and she only realised when she got up to give a talk in one of her meeting rooms at work, and got ‘humiliated’ by having her stockings ‘dangling down’ at the back while talking.

Also just how embarrassing or awkward do other women find it (ie what sort of response do women find that they get from others around them when, to quote my wife’s words, their ‘secret is out’). Are they treated less seriously than before?

If other women report here that this sort of thing does happen a fair bit, then I suppose I will appreciate my wife’s ‘efforts’ even more. But if it isn’t and she’s doing something ‘wrong’ then I suppose I might be able to show some genuine messages from any women reading this site to ‘reassure’ her.

– My girlfriend stopped using stockings after only a little time. She says she has too many problems with garters coming open. Last time we went out together and her stockings started coming down in the street she was not happy. She says it happens too much. Is this true? I say it’s only bad luck. I’ve never seen this before.

– Innova to the rescue. At all costs you must dissuade her from the evils of pantyhose. Suggest “stay ups” or suspender tights. More importantly she must try another suspender belt, or maybe her stockings are the wrong size. Does she wear stretch or non-stretch, or FF or RHT’s? Just persevere and she will find the solution that suits both of you. But be understanding and don’t force the issue too much. Treat her gently and she will respond.

– My girlfriend has worn stay up stockings but she always complains that they fall down slowly. I say she should buy some normal stockings and a garterbelt to wear so not to have any problem. Of course i like them better and she also says they are nice. But she only wore them five or six times. At work on the first day a back garter broke and she could not close it, so she had a problem keeping the stocking up.

One week ago we are out together and walking. Suddenly she got angry and said again that the garter was open at the back. Soon after she suddenly held her leg and said the other garter had come open. As we walked she had a problem keeping the stocking up and she got very upset from all the people looking.

Later she told me her friends also say they have same problem all time when they wear stockings. She says that the normal stockings and garters are very nice but she doesn’t want to worry all the time with garters coming open.

– I have had a look at some unopened packs of my wife’s hosiery. The makes are Charnos and Aristoc, and the suspenders are from Gossard and Berlei – does that help? My wife has worn hold ups but doesn’t like them. Again, is there a make that (presumably more expensive!) does actually stay up? I find your description of pantyhose (tights?) as evil, funny. I am not sure if that will work?

– I can answer all your questions on the stockings problems. But first, at all expenses, do not let her even think about pantyhose.

I am a male and I have been wearing stockings very successfully for over 30 years. I have had embarrassing situations such as you explained. It is embarrassing when a garter comes undone and you have to go find a restroom to fix it. Even more so, is when both garters come undone and your stocking slides down out from under your pants and all these people see that you had on stockings!

With my experience with stockings, I have found that the problem lies in either that the stocking is too short or the garters on the garter-belt are too short. When both of these match, it is a perfect marriage!

Being 6’3″ tall I have a lot of problems finding long sheer stockings, I hate those stretchy cantrece stockings, they remind me of pantyhose! Lots of times when I go to buy a new garterbelt I have to shop around to find one with the garters that are long enough. And you have to make sure that you buy a good garter-belt – if you buy a cheap one it will have those cheap garter clasps and they will NOT stay fastened!

Even on some of the good garter-belts i have had to take off the garters that came with it and put on the garters that you can buy that are made for girdles, these seem to be a lot better garter and WON’T come undone and also most of the time they are the good metal garters like they used to be on the garter-belts. When they started putting on the plastic garters is when I started having most of my problems.

– From my own experience with my wife, ladies will wear stockings and suspenders subject to two provisos – first, that they are comfortable; and, second, that they do not feel there is any danger of the kind of problem you describe.

The solution to both problems lies in the fitting of the garments and the quality. As to the latter, the clips must be metal and not plastic. (I was in Selfridges the other day and noticed a range of suspenders from Rigby and Pellier, Corsetieres by appointment to Her Majesty The Queen; I was appalled and amazed to see they all had plastic clips.

– Three cheers for the recent hot spell. In the interests of comfort and hygiene, and because her job requires her to not to be bare legged, my wife has decided to bin her tights and to return to wearing stockings and suspenders. She has worn them before but stopped because the stockings wrinkled around her ankles. Someone has suggested a suspender belt with metal suspender clips as opposed to plastic clips.

You must ensure your wife wears the correct size or wrinkles will occur…..also girls have worn stockings with the welt turned over if a larger size is worn. In the U.K. stockings ‘turned to tights’ in 1968, I was 18 at the time but had seen enough in time, thank the Lord, all my girlfriends wore their pants/knickers over their suspender belt and never underneath!

Body Roller Massager

Body Roller MassagerThis stylish massage ball rolls smoothly within its comfortable holder. Massage all tiredness from muscles – quickly and effortlessly.

Size: 7 x 7 x 5,5 cm

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Why oh why do men love stockings?

Firstly my husband asked me to post something here so I want to know why is there a fixation on stockings by what seems like all the male population?

– Well it’s not a case of men loving stockings it’s a case of men loving the person who’s in the stockings, and loving them because they are taking the time to be healthy and feminine at the same time. I mean really who wears pantyhose nowadays? Only fools and some men. Just take some time away from it all to think about it and I know you will see the reasoning behind these words. If you still don’t understand then I will be glad to enlighten you.

– Well Tracey, I am a stocking lover, and I can’t think of ANYTHING sexier than a woman in stockings and a garter (suspender) belt! They do a number of things really. They accentuate the leg beautifully, for a start. That in itself is worth everything. Not just the leg but the thigh also. They frame other areas. They finish up so nicely on the thigh making one want to run one’s hands up and down the leg! They are really the crowning touch!

There is nothing like getting a glance of an upper thigh clad in a stocking top! Try wearing a skirt sometime that has either a slit that shows them off or is short enough to show the stocking top if you when you want someone to see them. Go out on the town with your S/O and give him a glimpse and see what happens! Considering how little effort it takes to wear them and how much your S/O gets from the experience, why wouldn’t you wear them?!

– Gosh – that’s difficult and there are a whole lot of jumbled reasons. Innova has part of it but not all. For me, there is a nostalgia element – the pre-tights (or pantyhose) stockings felt so different under the hand. Then there was the excitement of reaching the stocking welt and the button – feeling the bare flesh beyond and knowing that following the strap would take me somewhere very exciting. Then there is the knowledge that my lady is available to me when she wears stockings. That does not make her a slut in the general sense – but it is something shared between us. I could go on, but hope this starter helps.

The female leg is gorgeous in nylon…and more importantly the only reason to wear stockings is to make them look even more lovely. In addition to the sexy shimmering look, the fact that you’re wearing them for no other reason then to be sexy… makes them sexy! Garter belts, sheer panties and stockings tend to frame and lead one’s gaze to the ultimate goal of female mystery. Always more exciting when partially covered and decorated. Look at yourself naked and then wearing lingerie. Which is more enticing? And the attitude required to wear lingerie well is, to most males, irresistible.

Head Relax Vibra Massager Deluxe

Head Relax Vibra Massager DeluxeA very unique massaging device! Gently glide it across your head, move it softly from left to right and make little circles. Switch on the motor and enjoy the amazing tingling sensations that will reach all the way down to your toes. This vibrating head massager provides both body and soul with enough energy to last for a long time. Uses 2 x AA batteries (not included).

– Size: 28 cm (high) x 16 cm (diameter)
– Light and handy design for convenient self-massage
– Battery type: 2 x AA battery
– Battery included: no
– Not waterproof

Check for more information the LoversPremium website:

Why the stigma?

Why is there such a stigma attached to women wearing stockings in the ’90s and beyond? After all, women have been wearing stockings far longer than pantyhose, and before they were even thought of.

Tell me: would you walk down a busy street or shopping centre with a nylon bag over your head? Of course not because you wouldn’t be able to breathe. Well that’s exactly what happens when you don pantyhose or tights – the most delicate part of the body cannot breathe, and doing this day in day out could lead to long-term medical problems.

A quote from Givenchy sums up how a lot of people feel about the subject: “Pantyhose are the symbol of laziness in women today”.

I’m close to losing it when I see women in warm fleecy track pants and tights. What is wrong with these silly women? Imagine the heat being generated in the nether regions and how wet they will get: the perfect environment for the old faithful thrush, tricomonas and clamydia. How wonderful for unsuspecting visitors!

It is also evident from some TV ads that the manufacturers of tights (pantyhose) are acting in complicity with some of the drug companies that make these creams for “feminine itching”. If there were no pantyhose there would be little or no use for these remedies as there would be little or no feminine itching to relieve! Correct? So the manufacturers of the two products go hand in hand – without sales of one there would be no sales of the other. And it’s only since the advent of tights that feminine itching or associated infections ever needed to be advertised as needing attention in the form of creams or the like!

Further to my two previous outbursts yet another issue has been on my mind: how many women have to wear “panty liners” and why? Before pantyhose there was no such thing as panty liners you didn’t need them. The women who wear stockings don’t need them or buy them. This is just another example of one manufacturer walking hand in hand with the other.

Why do parents of young and not so young girls find it necessary to encourage them at such an early age to have to sit in a classroom or run about or some other activity while half their body is encased in nylon? Why do they see it as a must? It is not! And never will be. What they don’t realize is the harm they are doing to the child, indirectly as a result of this action. There should be an awareness program for the children outlining the pitfalls and the reasons behind them. I think parents are under a misguided premise that wearing pantyhose from such an early age will protect them in some way. But what against I really don’t know.

Bed of Roses Red

Bed of Roses RedSurprise your partner – strew some rose petals on the bed or in a nice bath.

Create the ultimate romantic atmosphere with these rose petals and flickering candles. Surprise your partner by making a trail of rose petals. You can strew the rose petals on the bed. Or run a lovely warm bath and let the rose petals drift on the water.

Contents: 100 petals + 3 LED-candles (CR2032 batteries included)
Colour: red
Material: 100% polyester

Check for more information the LoversPremium website: