Retro Pocket Rocket

Retro Pocket RocketInner space… The final frontier… Its been a year since Man Eaters from Outer Space have landed and have taken a bite out of the male population on Earth. Now the people of earth have their own counter weapon of mass satisfaction: Retro Pocket Rockets by Big Teaze Toys.

Ground control to pathfinder, come in pathfinder. 5,4,3,2,1 blast off… Ladies and gentleman we have liftoff! These retro themed waterproof vibes will launch your love life into a whole new galaxy. With engines powerful enough to make the space shuttle shake, quiver and quake, Retro Pocket Rockets vibrator will take you to the moon and back… for more! When your mission is complete, cool your engines by touching down on your nearby lunar base (display stand included) while you prepare for your next adventure. Get ready to explore new and exciting territories.

End of a love affair?

Bunch of stockings“This is just the thing I’ve been thinking about lately & was considering posting about it. Why were women once incredibly in love with nylons (that famous date is May 15, 1940 when women mobbed stores when nylon was first introduced), and now detest, are ambivalent about, or only mildly interested in, nylon hosiery (I include pantyhose)?

“A related question: how could stockings – a revolutionary garment brought about by modern chemical technology – have fallen into disregard, nay oblivion – so quickly (at best after 30 years)? These are intriguing questions.

“Perhaps feminism must be held to blame. As Susan Brownmiller says in Femininity (1984, Fawcett/Ballantine Books – perhaps the definitive anti-feminine, feminist tract): ‘the subtle tyranny of the nylon stocking over the minds and actions of women for the next twenty years – until it was partially overthrown by the anti-bourgeois fashion revolution of the Sixties – should not be forgotten.’

“By the late ’80s most women still wore some nylon on their legs. Come the ’90s, and nylon-wearers have become the minority. That’s probably because even women who consider themselves ‘feminine’ have adopted more casual attire.

“The other contradiction I notice about women – and not even particularly ‘feminine’ ones – is the attention to otherwise feminine ‘looks’ – ie grooming and make-up. It’s hard to come across any woman these days who doesn’t paint her nails. Most wear lipstick. Most spend a lot of attention on their hair and skin. It’s in the realm of clothing that attitudes, for some reason, have changed. This is an ongoing discussion… It’s as if there is some kind of sinister plot to put women off wearing nylons. It’s leading to nylon warfare!

“I think what I can deduce from this in a nutshell, is that women always appear to be old enough to decide whether they like nylons or not (possibly influenced) but for a man it is as if nature intended it to be. I certainly didn’t choose to like women in nylons, but I do and I’m proud to admit it, after all it’s something that was out of my control! I never knew the subject of nylon stockings was so complex, it’s like rocket science!”

“Down here where I live in Kent, I have done studies on particular women on a regular basis (excluding my girlfriend) to see how often they wore a skirt and hosiery. The girls that I have studied, at work, in local shops, in pubs etc, have continually worn trousers. This has been over a period of almost eighteen months. Femininity I am afraid to say is rapidly diminishing and female pride in dress sense has almost gone entirely.”

“Yes, we can all agree that there are choices out there – and that we as women should exercise that choice. However, I truly believe that in some cases the trendsetters are putting their ideas out there, and so overpowering any other competition as to make it non-existent. When was the last time anyone walked into a store and found the choices of skirts, blouses and nice dresses to be anywhere as large as the trouser/ jacket sections? I have to hunt until I’m blue in the face to find pretty clothing! All the stuff that is out there makes me think of Communist re-education camps! And as for choices in hosiery – well, here you have to wade through the knee-deep piles (pardon the pun) of opaques and other garbage just to find decent fleshtone nylons!

“And remember who it is that’s running the American Fashion industry right now. All those women who ran around burning their bras thirty years ago! Did you ever see one feminine piece of clothing turned out by Donna Karan? And forget about our pal Calvin – he’s been designing for skinny little boys for thirty years!

“Until we see a new crop of designers come in with the intelligence of Christian Dior or the style of Coco Chanel, we ain’t gonna see anything new.”

“On recent visits to the supermarket, it has been my observation whilst standing in the queue waiting to pay and looking at people’s shopping (and be honest, we all do!) that women are not buying stockings. Even when you look at the hosiery sections, tights are more widely displayed than stockings, and when you go into a newsagent’s shop stockings are not to be seen on display for sale – just tights and pop socks.

“Sadly, although this web site is doing it’s utmost best to promote stockings, I feel that overall the tights revolution has got a ‘foothold’! Even if a woman is not wearing tights, then she is closeted in trousers.”

“In taking a purely pragmatic view of things you’re probably right but you shouldn’t be so defeatist. After all, we on this forum aren’t going to change the world overnight. It is a long haul job and results will be hard to come by but you must keep the faith and believe that stockings will persist and if enough people keep spreading the word then it will get better.

“There isn’t enough publicity about at the moment to make a real difference and of course the manufacturers have an interest in keeping it that way. Just remember, seeing the next woman in stockings will be all the more sweeter just because they’re quite rare.”

Miss Maggio 2015

posa_svettante_20150503_1772851280Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome Miss May 2015, the new pin-up for, an Italian website devoted to the beauty of women legs, hosiery and high heels. Gattina – Kitten, this is the nickname chosen for miss May 2015 – had wonderful legs, in her pics you will see great poses, hosiery and a perfect selection of heels. Click here to continue reading.

Rockbox 2 Pleasure Power Tool

Rockbox 2 Pleasure Power ToolAre you ready for the ROCKBOX 2? Probably the most powerful vibrator in the world, it has a whopping 3 x more power than a wand and a bone-shaking 5,000 RPM motor. A heavy-duty tool for heavy-duty pleasure, to get the job done every time.

If your usual vibrators leave you craving more power and pleasure, then the ROCKBOX 2 is the toy to sate your climax-hungry appetite. The insanely strong motor resonates deeply, shaking 5 times harder than your average washing machine spin cycle. Yowza!

6 power settings take you from ‘Steady on!’ to ‘OMG WTF!?!’ with the flick of the speed dial, whilst an oversized, ergonomically located power button makes operation super-easy.

2 pleasure attachments are supplied with your ROCKBOX 2 – one for him and one for her to ensure everyone can enjoy mind-blowing orgasms.

For her: The ‘Hot Chick’ attachment resembles a large, firm tongue that extends directly outwards of the ROCKBOX 2 vibrator unit. Slick and shine the tongue with your favourite lube and enjoy sensational oral simulation under the command of the earth-shattering motor. If you find the feeling too intense, try using your new pleasure tool over your clothes… it’s just as thrilling that way, too.

For him: The ‘Master Blaster’ attachment is unlike any male sex toy you’ve ever seen. Designed to tease the underside of the penis, apply lashings of lubricant and indulge in waves of undulating pleasure as the deep ridges transmit super-powerful speeds of vibration. Gradually increase the speed setting and complete your orgasm by placing the ROCKBOX 2 over the tip of your penis for mind-blowing climactic release. Too intense? This attachment also feels amazing over clothes.

Key Features:
• Mains powered, uber-powerful vibrator for men and women
• 5,000 RPM motor and 3 x more powerful than a wand
• 6 Earth-shattering speed settings
• ‘Hot Chick’ attachment for her: Firm, pointed tongue for intense oral simulation
• ‘Master Blaster’ attachment for him: Textured with 3 waves for extraordinary frenulum stimulation
• 5 metre cord for versatile play options
• Oversized power button, speed dial and ergonomic handle for easy play
• Slide ‘n’ load mechanism for quick attachment swaps

Nylon: the last taboo

Stockings... whore?“I just noticed a posting on the Vogue web site fashion forum. A woman didn’t want to do ‘the whole nylon thing’ when dressing-up. Because, get this, ‘some people may think that you’re a prostitute if you wear nylons.’ So that, folks, in the year 2001, is the symbolic state to which stocking-wearing has become.

“Reading the postings here over the past few months I have definitely noticed a transatlantic divide on the stocking issue. In the UK stockings are seldom worn because of the general and lamentable decline in dress standards and trend towards shabby ‘casual’ attire (which applies as much to men as it does to women).

“There does not seem, however, to be much actual disapproval of stockings and suspenders per se. From the postings of our North American correspondents (and especially those from the US) it would appear that there exists quite a measure of outright hostility toward both stockings and the women who wear them. It seems very odd. Can anyone enlighten the board as to just why and when this hostility developed?”

Nylons are, these days, associated by the Western mind with sex and prostitution. This is a stereotyped image, which results largely from about 70 years of glamour photos and erotic films. It is very interesting to note that the use of the dildo by lesbians – which was a common feature of erotic imagery but was in fact far removed from the truth – has in the last decade been adopted by the lesbian ‘community’. How extraordinary that pornographic images, created by straight men for the enjoyment of straight men, have so influenced the sexual behaviour of those women who – superficially – reject men (whilst they simultaneously admire women who masquerade as men!). Basically, human behaviour is influenced/determined by fashion. The baby boomers, bra burners and the rest of ’em think they’re thinking for themselves – in reality, they are just fellow passengers in a never-ending fashion parade. Tell the feminists that nylons are a form of ‘female empowerment’ – and they’ll wear ’em!

“Could some of this be latent emotions placed upon young ladies today by their bra-burning, hairy legged mamas? The baby-boomers’ children are in high school and college now, and are probably poisoned with their wacky ideas. I never understood the boomers’ whole value system – don’t want the children to have a basic moral upbringing, no manners, any sense of right and wrong, etc. because that’s all false; people should just suck it up and take you at your lumpiest – but they’re afraid to admit that they smoked a little weed in college and slept around – for fear that they’ll try it too.

“Here’s my other theorem: part of it comes from pantyhose being made now with more Lycra and spandex in them than ever before, which when worn all day, seems to hold the heat and perspiration close to the body. This is especially true in the summer around the waist area.

“As for being thought of as a prostitute for wearing nylons -who gives a damn? Are we all a nation of lemmings?”

“You are not alone in your wonderment of the people in this country: Grunge clothes are an expression of individuality, but a lady who chooses to wear glamorous lingerie must be a slut. Girdles are frowned on but pantyhose manufacturers are doing everything but dipping women in a vat of Lycra up to their waist to ensure that waist to toe compression.

“Pantyhose did NOT replace stockings because there was anything wrong with stockings – they were billed as being more convenient and more suitable for shorter skirts.

“Even on this forum, some posters want to set moral standards on what age is ‘proper’ for a young lady to wear stockings. There is an impression that it is not possible for a lady to want to wear stockings for any reason OTHER than sex and the gratification of their mates.

“The hostile people one correspondent encountered in the health club last month would not have given her a second thought if she had purple hair and a chain connecting her nose to her nipple! But because she was wearing NORMAL lingerie from the period prior to pantyhose she was harassed.

“Woman need to concede that there are a lot of hypocrites out there that talk out both sides of their mouth and brains. I only wonder what new diseases and maladies will plague woman as, as you pointed out, pantyhose gets more and more confining and restricting. Maybe I need to complete my pre-med studies – might be a run on doctors.”

The Cone Vibrator

The Cone is an adult toy with style. The innovative shape is only partially penetrative, but when you press its buttons, it will return the favour.  The Cone’s funky, contemporary design means that it doesn’t need to be hidden away when Granny pops over for tea... unlike most other toys, it’s not based on a man’s bits.  There are two buttons on the The Cone which control 16 fantastic programs, all varying in speed and power with some cleverly designed pulsing programmes to get you going. There is even an orgasm mode for the less patient! Great fun for solo or duo use.The Cone is an adult toy with style. The innovative shape is only partially penetrative, but when you press its buttons, it will return the favour.

The Cone’s funky, contemporary design means that it doesn’t need to be hidden away when Granny pops over for tea… unlike most other toys, it’s not based on a man’s bits.

There are two buttons on the The Cone which control 16 fantastic programs, all varying in speed and power with some cleverly designed pulsing programmes to get you going. There is even an orgasm mode for the less patient! Great fun for solo or duo use.

Stockings: the hosiery equivalent of a fountain pen

Classy stockings“I think the analogy between sheer hosiery and fountain pens is far better than the one with CDs/vinyl. Fountain pens, one would have thought, have long passed their use-by date, but they are still on sale everywhere (even W.H. Smith has a large selection, as does Office World). For most important uses, whether in professional life, social letter-writing or signing Wedding registers, the fountain pen still reigns supreme.

“Maybe we are on a sad path to less ‘everyday’ wearing of sheer hosiery (even I concede that it is seen less now than, say, 10 years ago) but to die out completely – that is both unthinkable and unlikely!

“Sheer hosiery will never completely die out. Nylons are always going to be the ‘get out of jail card’ for these manufacturers. Nothing is ever likely to be as popular as sheer hosiery and they know it. That’s why every so often they will target a new generation with new role models helping the campaign. If they paid Posh ‘tart’ Spice a fortune to wear any kind of sheer hosiery tomorrow (and for her it would have to be a fortune!) you can bet your bottom dollar all of a sudden they will be the most popular item since sliced bread!”

“It is funny that you should mention fountain pens, as that exact same thought crossed my mind. I have no idea what the demographics of the fountain pen buyer base are, but I would suspect that they are on the older side. (I myself only use fountain pens, but at 34, I am considered an eccentric in my office).

“If we look for another analogy, consider the classic American station-wagon. From the ’50s to the mid 1980s, the driveways of suburban America were filled with large, traditionally styled, separate-chassis station wagons, replete with whitewall tyres and woodgrain panelling. They were the symbol par supreme of middle-class American family life. Over a few years, the market for these cars collapsed. It was not because of fuel prices or anything like that, it was just that (younger) buyers decided, en masse, that they did not want them anymore.

“This is not the place for a detailed analysis of why, but suffice it to say that General Motors cancelled its last surviving traditional station wagons in 1996 because it could more profitably employ its resources elsewhere. The new generation of buyers had, for whatever reason, decided that the big wagons were no longer desirable, and simple economic logic dictated that production was no longer viable. This same logic is, I firmly believe, applicable to hosiery. Marketing people make mistakes, but they have their finger on the pulse of consumer tastes, and marketers are particularly keen to gauge the tastes of the young, for they make the buying decisions of tomorrow. It really is as simple as that, alas.

“I don’t know where you are based, but here in West Yorkshire, the use of fountain pens is pretty rare. They tend to be confined to doctors, headmasters, solicitors, accountants; that sort of occupation: professionals of a traditionalist leaning, although I concede that there are yet more that use them (myself included). Compared with FF stockings, however, they are as common as the day is long. My last FF stocking sighting occurred in the town of Keighley in the late summer of 1991. Two formally dressed ladies in their late 50s were strolling around town, presumably on their lunch hour. As they passed, it became apparent that one of them was wearing FF nylons. I nearly died of shock, having seen no FFs for many years previously. She noticed my interest and smiled knowingly. Since then, no FF sightings whatsoever, though I have seen other types. FF stockings are – to all intents and purposes – extinct, and have been for a long, long time.”

“After Aristoc ceased their manufacture (on commercial grounds alone) in the mid-1990s, there were a few doldrum years, but fully-fashioned stockings are once again freely available – from at least three different manufacturers, in a variety of styles, colours etc. In fact they’re probably on sale at more outlets (including online) now than at any time since the 1960s. I don’t think that, in the long-term, women are so boringly self-unaware that they will TOTALLY shun sheer legwear.”

We-Vibe 4 Plus

We-Vibe 4 PlusWith We-Vibe 4 Plus, couples can connect in new exciting ways — whether they’re in the same room or on a different continent. She can wear We-Vibe 4 Plus and her partner can tease and please her from the palm of their hand.


We-Vibe 4 Plus features:
• Free We-Connect app
• Advanced smartphone control
• 10+ modes
• Independent motor control
• Customizable modes
• Connect and share control from anywhere


Get more with the app.

Control: More remote control features and 5 bonus modes. Fully independent motor control — sliders adjust intensity of internal and external pleasure. 5 bonus modes that take advantage of the 2 independently controlled motors.

Create: Make custom vibration patterns. Choose vibe, duration and intensity and build a playlist. Name, save and play your custom vibe.

Connect: Play together — even when apart. Across the room or on a different continent. Send a connect message via text or email. Receive a private, secure connect link to connect.

We-Connect app:
• FREE from the App or Google Play store
• Secure, private connection between smartphones; no sign in required
• Works with Bluetooth 4.0-ready devices
– iPhone 4S/iOS 7 or greater
– Android OS 4.3 or newer

Feature Summary
• App adds smartphone control, more modes, customization and distance play
• Compact, body-hugging form — stiff mid-section, to stay in place
• Wireless remote control
• Compact and discrete case for storage, charging and travel
• 100% waterproof (entirely encased in medical-grade silicone, with no openings)
• Body-safe — medical-grade silicone — free from phthalates, latex and BPA
• Eco-friendly, carbon-neutral manufacturing and USB-rechargeable battery
• Fast recharging — charges fully in 4 hours
Up to 3 hours of pleasure on a single charge
• Whisper-quiet operation
• Easy soap-and-water cleanup
• Use only with water-based lubricants

Fifty Nights of Naughtiness

 Fifty Nights of NaughtinessTake 50 sizzling steps towards red hot passion!

With ten secret envelopes at each of the five levels of play, ranging from Virginal White, through Pink, Red, Scarlet to Black, 50 Nights of Naughtiness is filled with sensual ideas, naughty adventures, and erotic surprises. Introduce new thrills and ideas into your relationship whilst maintaining the loving intimacy that you and your partner already share.

Just roll the die to see what shade of naughtiness you will be enjoying tonight. Roll a yellow and you have the power to choose from any shade depending on your mood.

Whether you’re looking for some tender romantic moments together or want to add a little spice to the evening, 50 Nights of Naughtiness will deliver!

– 10 Virginal White Envelopes – tender and romantic actions or suggestions
– 10 Pink Envelopes – cheeky and teasing actions or suggestions
– 10 Red Envelopes – sensual and experimental actions or suggestions
– 10 Scarlet Envelopes – erotic and naughty actions or suggestions
– 10 Black Envelopes – kinky and experiemental actions or suggestions

Bondage: tied up in stockings

simple-bondage“We feel stockings and bondage go together. It has helped our boredom and saved our floundering lacklustre lovemaking. While we realize bondage isn’t for all, it can be great if there is love and trust. Limits must be set. Our hearts went out to a friend who had a boyfriend who tried to force her into anal sex against her will. This is what gives B&D a bad name. If done properly it is exciting and fulfilling.”

“We are an old married couple who like to spice up our life, too. Bondage, if mutually accepted, can be extremely erotic and satisfying. Our kids are gone. I retired early and we have found joy in roleplay B&D. It doesn’t need to be expensive. You can use things around the house that cost much less. Rope from a clothesline, a practice golf ball for a gag–and what better way to use laddered stockings than for restraints or gags or blindfolds. Bondage can be fun but we encourage sanity and talking limits BEFORE doing it.”

“I’ve always steered clear of getting into this subject here because the bondage thing doesn’t necessarily go hand in hand with stockings per se (for a lot of people, that is, although it always does with me) and its a subject about which there is a good deal of ignorance.

“I have tied one of my partner’s legs to the bed post. She was wearing white stay up stockings and 5″ white heels. She sat on the edge of the bed while I eased her out of the lacy white panties she was wearing. I used the panties to tie her right leg to the bed post, but she had free movement of her left leg, which was still on the floor. I peeled of her left heel and began massaging her stockinged foot and toes. She moaned and leaned back, and I stood up, literally.

“I slipped her heel back on and she lifted her leg slowly and put her foot on the bed, keeping her knee bent. I started kissing her right leg at the ankle and moved my way up her leg. I stood up to kiss her on the mouth but I wouldn’t let her grab me. I moved over her left leg and repeated the kissing as I had done on the right. She could not keep her leg still. Every time she moaned and moved, I would stoke her and kiss her. She could not mover her right legs, so I used that to force her to move in different ways than she might otherwise. When I stood up from removing the panties from the bedpost and stood up, she was on me like a vacuum. We licked each other until she collapsed.”

“As I often do I turned up at my boyfriend’s office dressed rather provocatively with the intent of seducing him. My outfit was my favourite carnation pink suspender belt, matching silk knickers, push up bra, shortish skirt and black silk seam stockings. My hair was tied back and I wore a pretty silk flowered scarf.

“After flashing my stocking tops and rubbing up against Steve the usual happened. In minutes I was panting madly and really aroused.

“But then something happened. Steve decided to tie me up! He tied my wrists with some rope, eased my stockinged legs apart and tied each ankle to each desk leg. But far from being shocked I found myself becoming really aroused.”

“I love to be stripped down to my bra, knickers, stockings and suspender-belt and tied up before being made love to. This is quite odd, as I have no real inclination toward ‘bondage’ as such, only finding it arousing when sussies are worn! I remember, many years ago, when I was about fifteen or so, seeing a film or television programme (I have no idea what it was called). In one scene two nurses had had their uniforms stolen and were tied up, still wearing their full underwear, including stockings and suspenders. For some reason I still cannot explain, it made me hot and dizzy with arousal.”