Italian amateur model

miss_ottobre_in_calze_a_rete_20151005_1386468430Kikapronty is an italian amateur model, her stunning legs and her poses are sexy and classy, she can use legs as a powerful weapon to seduce the viewers. Many classy photos of kikapronty can be seen on lggd, since she was awarded Miss Ottobre 2015, the poses are elegant and classy and she is wonderful in bare legs, with fishnets and some lingerie.

LoversPremium – Massager

LoversPremium - MassagerThis massager from LoversPremium is surprisingly powerful and has a stylish design. The pink LED-light enables a massage in the bedroom.

Thanks to the soft easy-grip, giving a massage has never been so comfortable. Experience more pleasure during giving a massage; the cushy gel head provides comfort when massaging. Also on the spots where the fingers need to be placed, gel pillows are situated.

The easy on/off button enables a direct massage and provides directed vibrations for a relaxing massage.

Because of the smooth surface, the massager glides easily over the whole body.

The size of this wellness product is perfect so you can take it everywhere.

Width: 9 cm
Height: 8,5 cm

Wearing stockings for the first time

Stockings in the car“My wife is very attractive, but very shy, and modest. She owned a ‘slutty’ perspective toward stockings before receiving new Aubade and Lou lingerie, and 10 denier Aristoc stockings, I bought her.

“She wore my gifts to dinners, and to a dance club on our ‘dates’. She commented on how elegant, and sexy she felt. She had anticipated feeling uncomfortable in a garter belt and stockings, but acknowledged surprise in the comfort of her new-found elegance.

“However, she was reluctant to wear stockings to work instead of pantyhose. While I respected her choices, she was aware I’d like her to wear stockings everyday.

“Yesterday she said she’d wear stockings and lingerie if I’d pick her up at her office and take her to lunch. She wore 2” Mary-Jane pumps, a blue plaid skirt, and a matching blue sweater for a ‘school-girl’ look, with ‘nude’ 10 denier. Aristocs.

“When I picked her up for lunch she was excited about a pair of compliments about her attire. Since she was dressed down ‘in school-girl attire’, I asked her if she’d flashed a stocking top. She denied knowingly flashing, but told me how sexy she felt.

“We drove to a secluded spot next to the river at a park close to her office. I had anticipated a glimpse of her welt and a touch of the thigh before lunching on the cheese and turkey cuts I picked up at the deli. I suggested a “quickie”, but expected the usual turn down because of the risk of exposure.

“To my surprise my wife smiled and nodded. We risked being caught enjoying a ‘nooner’ in the front seat of my car. In 20 years of wedded bliss, this was the first time my very proper and shy wife agreed to make love outside the privacy of our bedroom.

“My wife went back to pantyhose today, but said she is going to wear stockings again next week if I’ll meet her for lunch.”

“On Thursday evening I treated myself to a new lingerie set from M&S (including a suspender belt) along with a few pairs of stockings in different shades and decided to try the stockings on Friday evening to the staff Christmas party. At first I felt undressed underneath, but I felt fresher and remarkably warm, except when we went outside to go home.

“I managed to keep them a secret from hubby that evening, he was watching a late TV programme when I got in, so I decided they would be his extra Christmas present. I managed to get changed for Midnight Mass whilst he was in the bath. I decided to wear my new black suit with my dark overcoat which I would take off in the church. Since it was so cold I decided to wear my new knee length boots as well. I must say that I felt very comfortable throughout the service, although now and again I was distracted by thinking how many of the women there were planning to seduce their men once home!

“My hubby was still oblivious by the time we got home, although he had commented on the boots and the glimpse of black leg between boot and skirt. I took my coat off and went for his other presents whilst he poured us drinks. Whilst we were talking and unwrapping gifts, I gradually let my skirt ride up my leg. Well, once he spotted the stocking top, he was uncontrollable. I shall leave the rest to your imagination. He wanted me to wear stockings again today, but we were going to be with lots of folk, and I think I shall give him time to get used to them in semi-privacy.”

Legs from Sweden

tacchi_e_calze_di_nylon_20150901_1713497831Legs are certified 100% made in Sweden, black stockings and high heels probably coming from somewhere else but… who cares? This lady has a fetish for high heels shoes (she is calling herself an high heels fetishist). For sure she has an amazing pair of legs and a great collection of pantyhose, hold-ups and stockings to lure all the men on the web and probably not only men!

Here you can find the gallery, published on lgdd.

Fifty Days of Play

Fifty Days of Play Fifty Days of Play offers 50 invitations for exciting, pleasurable adventures for loving couples who want to play.

Fifty Days of Play has five levels of sexy game-play with ten secret envelopes for each level, from Virginal White through Vanilla, Light and Dark Grey to Seductive Black and is packed with intimate and romantic gestures, stimulating scenarios, naughty suggestions and erotic surprises. Players are invited to roll the die to see what shade of naughtiness they will both be enjoying. The colour co-ordinated envelopes then decide who will be the dominant player and who will play a more submissive role today.

– 1 Dice
– 50 Envelopes ranging through 5 shades of naughtiness

The psychology of stockings

Stockings and heelsMatthew’s whole complex persona centred around the unquenchable quest for the stocking. Shocking? (Easy pun. Sorry, couldn’t resist it) Not really – many men have fantasies about girlfriends in stockings and suspenders. It’s just that Matthew thought about very little else. He was, as I stated long ago, completely obsessed.

We also ought to spend a minute or two looking at the situation from Matthew’s point of view. You see, there are other elements in this equation, and each has its part to play. And those elements are tights, shoes, hemlines, trousers (God forbid), tights again, denier, Lycra, hold-ups, colour, summer, pop socks, and even ankles. With so much to blend into a perfect whole it’s hardly surprising it had become a life’s work.

Tights were the real killer, for a connoisseur like Matthew. On the lower leg they looked the same and yet they were not the same. And that, from Matthew’s perspective qualified as the first most frustrating thing in the world. Consequently it would be fair to clarify Matthew’s position as being the quest for the stocking top. Not, you understand, because he wanted to look up ladies’ skirts (he was far too polite, and too much of a gentleman for that). But because it was only with a glimpse of the stocking top (perhaps when the wearer would sit down, and her short skirt would ride up that tempting inch, showing a fraction of lace or – the ecstasy! – a suspender) that he could have unarguable proof that stockings were on the agenda.
Now, take a step back. What was the secret of the stocking, and why did it hold so much power? Was it, perhaps, the inherent femininity? Was it, as Matthew would enthusiastically describe, the delightful shadow it gave to the calf as the nylon hugged itself around? The delightful “swish-swish” of stocking-clad thighs? Was it a fascination with clothing that Matthew, as a man, was denied? Maybe, on a baser level, it was years of conditioning, from looking at pornography, and the association of stockings with sex. Maybe it was all of these, (and sex certainly creeps in there somewhere along the line) but maybe, for Matthew it was none.
Tights, then. Big problem. Not sexy. Matthew of course, enjoyed looking at legs in tights, until, paradoxically, he knew that he was looking at legs in tights. If the wearer should sit down and show an expanse of thigh, but not reveal even a hint of a top (technically called a welt, I believe, but that sounds like the after-effects of a good, stern whipping session, and bondage has no part to play here), he could be heard to give an audible sigh of frustration. Hopes built high were cruelly dashed on the rocks of Cape Gusset. Matthew’s eyes would move on. You see, he fundamentally didn’t understand why women wore tights. If you ladder one you have to replace the pair, you have to take them off when you need the toilet, and the proximity of nylon to such a sensitive area, could not, he assumed, be good for your health. Above all though, tights were despised because they were the enemy, and an enemy with a majority rule.
Matthew saw his role as a vigilante – a mercenary in the tights versus stockings war. And it was a war, no doubt about that. Complete with casualties. His crusade had had notable successes. You no doubt remember, early in 1999 (around the time of the genetically modified food scare) how there was a health warning about how tights could cause “feminine itching” and make women infertile while fresh air to the genitals (pants permitted) could help prevent all sorts of nasties like tuberculosis and cancer? That was one of Matthew’s. Dreamt up in his office back in adland, backed by spurious research from a fictitious healthcare company, and covered by all of the major broadcasters and the press. A simple idea, but devastatingly effective and yet still there was a lot to do. If you had been standing in the queue that day in the airport, you may have been able to catch a glimpse of an article entitled “Why New Women are returning to suspenders” in the magazine in Matthew’s grip. He had written it six weeks earlier – one of his many contributions as freelance fashion correspondent Marcel Bellamy. A charade, but seemingly a remarkable – and he hoped, influential – success.
Back to the list: shoes. A very important factor. Matthew was conventional in this respect. Heels were good, stilettos the best, and black suede court stilettos best of all. (For stilettos you could substitute other heels of a similarly tottering nature, although nothing too clumpy please.) Ankle boots were okay, but espadrilles were most definitely not. “Sensible” shoes (that great contradiction – what, after all, as Matthew often reasoned, was “sensible” about footwear designed solely (another pun!) to cool the ardour of a gender?) were likely to gain instant rejection. But remember that Matthew was not a foot fetishist, and even the most perfect pair of shoes (and by perfect we mean high enough to give shape to the leg, smart enough to demand legwear of some description) could be ruined if the rest of the equation was wrong.
Hemlines. Vital again. Remember, Matthew was not a pervert in the classic sense, and he had no real desire to see up a skirt or to know the colour of a lady’s underwear. But hemlines were crucial because if too long, he would never catch a glimpse of the “top”, and if too short, the wearer would sacrifice stockings at the grim altar of decency. Mini skirts were okay in the bedroom, where tartiness could be encouraged, but he knew well enough, that women were unlikely to want the attention fostered by wearing stockings and a mini in the street. And who could blame them when so many men less sensitive than Matthew were around to make unsophisticated leers of lust?
Trousers (God forbid). Another big enemy, right up there alongside the massed regiments of the army Tight. Women, he knew, were unlikely to wear stockings with trousers, and even though there was always a chance, a glimpse of nylon-clad ankle was rarely enough, on its own, to raise either his pulse or his expectations.
Tights again. Before moving onto the exotica of Denier (a word right up there with Aristoc) it’s actually worth reconsidering the position of tights. “So soon?” you cry. “Haven’t we just dismissed them?” Well, yes, but it’s not exactly as cut and dry as I may have led you to believe. Matthew thought tights were okay under one very specific circumstance: when they offered the only practical alternative to bare legs or trousers. And obviously only as long as the wearer went for those suspender tights you get in Sock Shop and the like, and when the woman concerned would choose stockings whenever she possibly could. He couldn’t think when such a circumstance would ever arise, but the get-out clause was there just in case.
Denier. Matthew, you have to remember, was first and foremost a man. The murky world of denier is not a man’s domain. If you ever find yourself being chatted up on the Internet by somebody who claims to be a woman, ask her the denier of her hosiery. It is a question guaranteed to sort out real women from the wannabes. How, then, was he to know the difference between seven and 10, or even between 15 and 20? Of course he knew what he liked – and had worked out that, in general, the lower the number the better. Opacity was not a property to admire. But having said that, he actually liked dark, black, stockings, and had to admit that the finest mesh could not contain that much tone alone. He assumed (with the benefit of some of his own experimentation in the field) that 10 denier would be pretty much the ticket but he was not sure, and it was a constant source of frustration.
Lycra. Another lady word. Lycra, he had decided, was probably a good thing from a stretch point of view, but was it the Lycra that was responsible for the beautiful sheen on some legs that was so depressingly absent from others? The problem, you see, was that questions had to remain unasked. In keeping his obsession a private affair (and always sensitive not to appear a pervert or give women cause for alarm) he was unable to approach people on the train and ask them outright about brand, finish, Lycra, and of course the denier. He was learning, of course. The Marcel Bellamy disguise gave him some license to explore the subject, but nevertheless, the direct approach was out.
Hold-ups. A curiosity. Matthew liked hold-ups, but they did not hold quite the some frisson of excitement as their more refined cousin, the stocking proper. Part of the stocking’s appeal lay, quite naturally, in the suspender belt, and obviously hold-ups denied these their purpose. Yet hold-ups were infinitely better than tights. They could still look stylish and sexy. Okay, so there was something missing (and he could never quite come to terms with the lack of suspenders), but if stockings were unavailable, hold-ups would do just nicely.
Colour. A personal matter. You have to understand that even the most unflattering colour could be overlooked, but Matthew did have his favourites. Black, obviously, for general purpose wear – the classic combination of smart and sexy. Nearly black? (Or even barely black?) He was not quite sure about those. (Hey girls, why not go the whole hog? You’ve already made it this far!) Blue – the least favourite perhaps, but it depended on the shade. White: yes! The virginal look was a guaranteed winner. Red: perhaps in the bedroom but not really during the day. Nude, or any of those other skin-type shades (Honey? Mink?): a good result, Matthew decided, on the basis that the wearer was obviously the secretive type, but that was okay with him. Within the realm of colour came the welt – or top – itself: lace tops were obviously the best, and if the lace contained the initial of the manufacturer (the intertwined PP now sadly dropped by Pretty Polly or an elegant A for Aristoc) then so much the better. Plain tops were less exciting, but he understood that they were also less expensive, and so they could happily be forgiven. Either way, the welt had to be reasonably deep for maximum appeal.

As you may have realised by now, fishnets did not enter the equation. They were okay in their own particular way, but just too obvious for a man of Matthew’s sophisticated taste.

Back to the list. Next comes Summer. This was a bad season as it gave women an excuse to go round with bare legs. He understood why. Tights must be uncomfortable in all that heat, but in that case why not switch to stockings? His hit rate of sightings went down dramatically during the summer months, and he welcomed autumn like an old friend.

Pop socks aka knee highs. For heaven’s sake, why? If anything looked less sexy than tights or the bare leg, it had to be the pop sock. Pop socks were for old people, and they had no part to play in Matthew’s obsession. But the fact that the great hosiery factories could turn out pop socks on lines not unadjacent to the ultimate lace top stocking perplexed him on many a lonely night.

Ankles. The final factor. If all else was right, the ultimate high came from a finely turned ankle. The ankle, perhaps, has a lesser role in this narrative than Lycra, say, or the hemline. But a good ankle was the final factor that could make Matthew fall in love.

Fifty Shades of Grey – New Charlie Tango

Fifty Shades of GreyEven more thrilling than its namesake, Charlie Tango is a super-smooth classic vibrator ready to take you to new heights of pleasure. The firm body and rounded tip seek out your sensitive spots to indulge them with a selection of powerful vibrations.

“No!” I shout again, pleading, and this time he tugs the vibrator out of me, and his finger, too, as my body continues to convulse.” – Anastasia Steele

Charlie Tango is the perfect couples’ toy, whether you use it to stimulate each other’s erogenous zones, or to pleasure yourself in front of your lover.

Work your way through the 3 powerful vibration speeds and 4 patterns and trace the sleek vibrator over your body to tease and stimulate your sensitive spots, including your nipples and clitoris, to bring you to a powerful climax.

Part of the Fifty Shades of Grey The Official Pleasure Collection approved by author E L James.

Key Features:
• Wonderfully smooth and powerful classic vibrator for external and internal stimulation
• Explore its orgasmic selection of 3 speeds and 4 patterns of vibration to discover which setting or combination takes you all the way
• Charlie Tango is completely waterproof for pleasure beyond the bedroom
• Use the smooth tip for pinpoint stimulation and the sensual shaft for internal pleasure
• Supplied with a satin storage bag

The seamy side of life

Seamed StockingsSuggestive stockings are making a serious comeback in time for the Millennium party season and fishnet and seamed are the order of the day. Ita O’Kelly-Browne reports.

SEXY seamed stockings are seriously back in fashion for the party season of the century as women re-discover that the feminine glamour of the ’40s beats ’90s-style glamour hands down. Saucy today means going light on the lipstick and the cleavage in favour of seductive and suggestive legwear because of course a seamed stocking encourages the eye to travel vertically up the back of the leg. If in doubt just think of Marilyn Monroe!

While most women of the previous generation happily left behind their stockings and suspender belts and embraced the convenience of tights like a long lost friend, a whole new generation of younger women have discovered for themselves that old fashioned glamour has never really lost its edge after all. There is a time and a place for black heavy duty opaque tights and at this stage they have seriously out-stayed their welcome. Glamour is back with a bang and the seamy side of life is now where it is all happening.

Manufacturing outlets in the UK who have always made seamed and regular stockings for a small band of die-hards who refused to wear tights, have found themselves scrambling to cope with unprecedented demand for leg glamour from all over the world. Old nylon making machines which have been idle for years at The Silk Mill Hosiery Company in Derbyshire in the UK have had a service and been put back into unexpected production. They have now teamed up with deluxe hosiery firm Wolford to create a pair of tights which look like seamed stockings complete with garter belt but they are designed so that only the wearer knows that they are not quite the real thing!

And Irish women are very much to the forefront of the new fashion for seductive stockings according to Brown Thomas who report brisk demand for sexy stockings for the party season. The top drawer stocking company Wolford who make the Rolls Royce of stockings are walking off the shelves at £22.50 per pair. Most popular are Subjekt fishnet tights from Wolford which are designed to look like stockings with a sheer top and an opaque piece at the top which is supposed to give the impression of bare flesh! BT’s are currently waiting for supplies of old fashioned seamed stockings in the same range which will also retail at £22.50.

Nylons as they were known first made their appearance in Ireland in the late 1940s. This season sees the re-launch of a new range from Pretty Polly called Nylons which are retro-style products to celebrate their 50th anniversary. The biggest sellers in the range according to a company spokesperson are a black seamed stocking which is also available in tights and has a very stylish Cuban heel. The look is designed to coincide with the revival of forties fashion this year where skirts are brushing the knee seductively and sheer and shimmering legs complete the look.

The other big seller this season according to Brown Thomas are seamed 15 denier tights with a difference the seam in this case is made from pearls which go from the heel to the top of the leg also by Wolford and retailing at £22.50. According to Brown Thomas younger women in the twentysomething age groups tend to opt for hold-ups which are ersatz stockings while women in the 30 and upwards age groups tend to go for the real thing for glamorous occasions.

Over at Arnott’s a similar picture emerges according to veteran fashion observer at the Accessories Department Ann Warren who says that there is much more interest in glamorous stockingwear this year than ever before.

”There is no doubt that the more glamorous stockings and tights are more fashionable right now and seamed and sparkly are the favoured option for the Christmas and Millennium party season. I find that the young to middle aged are choosing the fishnets in black for evening wear but only the adventurous are opting for the white or red fishnets in the Elle range.

Pretty Polly seamed stockings and tights are also going well and I also find that the Italian fashion for wearing a pair of regular tights and a pair of fishnets over them is now becoming popular here. It can look well on the younger woman who likes to stand out”, according to Ann who is always at her busiest at this time of year.

A combination of things have contributed to the newfound interest in seamed stockings, patterned tights and fishnets, not the least of which is the fact that today it is once again politically correct for women to not only want to look glamorous but seductive as well. Add to this the re-appearance of fancy hosiery on the catwalk where fashion has become more feminine and the fact that the joint effects of the Christmas and Millennium party season are having on women worldwide and you have a veritable avalanche of sophisticated elegance in the offing which presumably will please a great deal of men not to mention hosiery companies.

Bloodstock manager and social animal Elaine Lawlor is better known to most people by her pet name ‘Legs Lawlor‘ because of her incredibly long legs. Thirty-nine-year-old Elaine who is 6ft1” tall or 5ft13” as she describes herself, was first given the name when at school and it has simply stuck with her ever since.

Elaine modestly maintains that it is just because of their length her inside leg measures 36 inches but most men would probably maintain that her pet name results from both the shape and length of her legs. And it probably has something to do with the fact that she is one of those women who ALWAYS wears stockings because she hates tights.

”I have never liked tights and I also find them most unhygienic. While many people claim that wearing stockings is inconvenient, I would have to say that I do not find them inconvenient at all. Mind you that being said I actually wear jeans most of the time for my work but when I am going out I always wear skirts and stockings simply because I like them and find them sexy”.

While Elaine loves stockings she is not a fan of either fishnets because she believes that being understated is the key to elegance for a woman.

”I believe in keeping it simple so I always wear dark sheer stockings for evening and light sheer in the day. I always choose sheer stockings because I think that they are sexier”.

Marilyn Monroe wore seamed stockings like nobody else could; Jane Russell wore seamed fishnets to great effect; Madonna virtually launched her career on the back of black fishnet stockings teamed with hob nail boots; Sharon Stone is a self-confessed fan of real silk stockings; Jerry Hall has always confessed to being an old fashioned girl at heart and she always wears seamed stockings when dressing up; Tina Turner regularly dresses her trademark long legs in fishnets to excellent effect.

FixSation – Couples Pleasure

FixSation - Couples PleasureThe FixSation Couple’s Vibe is the only rechargeable, hands-free, non-invasive, clitoral stimulating device that is worn by the woman while making love. The Couple’s Vibe is secured by the backless, crotchless panty companion featuring removable bands that slide through the side chambers of the vibe and fasten to the backside of the panty. FixSation is as sexy, discreet, and comfortable as wearing a piece of lingerie!

The non-invasive, rechargeable Couple’s Vibe is ergonomically designed to cradle the woman’s anatomy and fit flush against the man’s pelvis. Its curved exterior utilizes partner pressure and movement for concentrated friction and vibration on the clitoris, while still allowing for uninterrupted penetration, thereby enhancing overall stimulation and increasing the opportunity for the woman to quickly and consistently reach orgasm during every intimate encounter.

FixSation is: effective, patented, rechargeable, eco-friendly, certified, made of ABS plastic with a PU coating, and warrantied!

Featured product highlights:
– Single push button control
– Non-invasive
– Hands-free
– Wireless
– Quiet & powerful
– Does not heat up during use
– Long-lasting (up to 2 hours on a single charge)
– Discreet & comfortable
– Velvety cover coating
– Lightweight & compact
– Non-toxic
– Body safe & eco-friendly
– Hypoallergenic
– Phthalate- & latex-free
– Ergonomically designed
– Multiple speed variations
– LED light-indicated functions
– Made of medical grade materials
– Simple cleanup: soap and water
– Durable & water resistant
– Stays in place while making love
– Rechargeable
– Requires no remote controls
– Requires no disposable batteries
FixSation - Couples Pleasure instructions
Stimulation modes:
To turn FixSation on or off, hold on/off button down firmly for 3 to 4 seconds. To change modes, hold on/off button down for 1 second; LED light will flash to indicate the change in modes.
• Mode 1: on/mild vibration
• Mode 2: intermediate vibration
• Mode 3: intense vibration
• Mode 4: off

An appeal to common sense – anon

tockings for the lovers of lifeOf all the questions concerning God and our Creator, the paradox of life, the convoluted mysteries of death and the beyond … the only enigma that has me baffled is: Why aren’t all women lesbians? We men are large, clumsy, hairy, and in most cases very inept … we’re proud, arrogant, and crude beasts. It has always completely eluded me – Why would any human desire an animal such as us, when they could feel the silky lips, the curvature of hips, thighs, and back … that could only be compared with the ebbs and swells of an ocean, the soft tease of hair against the delicious bite of nails of a lusty woman? It’s the aura of the infinite that encompasses women, avatars of life and passion. And when these divine creatures adorn those luscious leggings, it’s the equivalent of God in full armor, brandishing a sword above his head – a site that is, to use the cliché, awe-inspiring.

I’m still young and passionate, inexperienced in that I’m still with my first lover, but I’ll always remember that burst of life that shot through me when she first came to me in naught but those glorious stockings. It’s a momentary, fleeting, but blissful flavor of the nectar the gods must drink. As a man, to know she wants and loves you enough to use all the tools in her power to go above and beyond what is necessary to turn you on, is simply magnificent.

In two months, I leave for West Point, NY to the United States Military Academy. It’s a cause I wholeheartedly believe is worth defending, fighting, and dying for … no, I’m not talking about stockings [that wouldn’t be too corny…]. It’s for life and the passion that it inspires. It is the same passion that brings young lovers to each others arms, that pushes them to do more for one another, not only sexually, but financially, socially, and religiously. For those of us that worship women and the exotic, but sophisticated air about them, the stocking is a symbol of that passion – a banner that screams to all, the pleasures and motivations of all our furious endeavors and mule-stubborn drives.

Bare legs are for the lazy; pantyhose for the practical; stockings for the lovers of life. Besides, at the risk of destroying the credibility of all I just argued, stockings offer easier access.