Creasing: a tell-tale sign?

Real nylons tend to crease at the ankles or knees“I notice that a number of correspondents make mention of the “creasing” at the ankles of stockings, and use of this phenomenon as a way of identifying them. As a person with a fetish about women’s ‘stocking troubles’ my experience indicate that proper stockings are no more likely to wrinkle or crease than pantyhose. If anything, it is less so… a woman can do nothing about ill-fitting, overlarge or saggy pantyhose, whereas stockings can be tightened or adjusted to keep them taut.

“From my observations, any form of hosiery can sag, even the supposed miracle fabric lycra. Take a walk through town sometime, and observe any woman you see with baggy/wrinkly ankles. Many of them will be wearing skirts short enough to reveal that they are not wearing garter belts.

“The most sag-prone hosiery of all… from what I have seen, the old style thigh-highs with elastic tops.

“I don’t find my stockings crease anymore than when I wore pantyhose. It does happen if I buy the wrong size, and am swimming in extra nylon. They will get a little baggy at the knees when I first stand up, but in a minute or two the nylon settles down.

“You are absolutely correct with your comments. I wear stockings every day and don’t find that they crease at the knees or the ankles. The one exception to this rule is if a lady is wearing fully-fashioned stockings. These can crease if not fastened properly to the suspenders or if the suspender belt itself is too flimsy.”

Real nylons tend to crease at the ankles or knees. Am I alone in finding that aspect to be very sexy! Well I love then anyway They just turn me mad, unless they are too big or too many, but a slight crease or wrinkle at the ankle or knee is a good sign of 100% nylon.”

“We’ve had some discussions lately about creases at the ankles and whether they can be taken as a sign of stockings being worn, but occasionally I have noticed something very different.

“A lady walking along, wearing ‘unspecified’ hosiery with little if any ankle creasing, shows a very definite ‘tensioning’ of the hosiery as the weight transfers on and off each foot. Is this a sign of high-tension suspenders tugging in any slack or just the hosiery material stretching and contracting slowly enough to be seen?”

“It is unlikely that you are observing the slack being taken up from highly tensioned suspenders. The controlling factor in what you see is most likely to be friction as there is too much distance between the suspenders and the ankles. This effect is due to local stretching and contracting of the material in which case they will be stretch stockings. If bagging occurs then they maybe non-stretch stockings (which do stretch but much less that stretch ones).”

Voulez-Vous… – Gift Box Saint Valentine

T Voulez-Vous... - Gift Box Saint Valentinhe Voulez-Vous gift box will allow you to play with yours and your partner’s senses.

This is a unique gift for special occasions. This box contains all the essentials to reach the height of eroticism. You can experience moments of pleasure with your lover never matched before. To intensify the desires that you feel for each other, you will get a taste for covering your partner’s entire body with a massage oil that has bewitching and aphrodisiac powers.

The box also includes body oils that will give sweet warm sensations to your entire being. Strokes and kisses on your skin will transcend you into a climax flavoured with the scents of your choice.
Carry on playing and don’t put a stop to your fantasies. Thanks to the edible powders you will turn your partner into a beautiful delicacy ready to eat.

All of this enticing menu can be found in this sensual gift box.

Every gift box is made up of:
– One massage oil (30 ml)
– Two edible powders (4 gram)
– Three warming body oils (10 ml)

The ideal present to play with yours and your loved one’s senses!

This gift box includes:

– One massage oil
Envoûtante: Petals of Rose

– Two edible powders
Margarita and Red Fruits

– Three warming body oils
Champagne, Red Fruits and Fondant au Chocolat

Spartacus Ring & Penis Sheath

Spartacus Ring & Penis SheathRevolutionary double ring with vibrating penis sheath!

1 sextoy = 4 sensations

Designed to satisfy and to give the couple sensational sublime pleasure, and bring them to the climax, Spartacus is an explosive fusion of 4 concepts (double ring with vibrating sheath and clitoris stimulator) in an irresistible, pleasure giving object, specially ergonomic and easy to fit. Conceived to magnify your performance and intensify your excitement. Its innovative design presents 2 balls: 1 horizontal vibrating ball fitted on to the lower ring produces irresistible vibrations on your testicles and while you are penetrating the pleasure is doubled by the thickness of the silicon, increasing considerably the diameter of the penis. 1 vertical vibrating ball placed on the upper protrusion of the sheath is to spread the quivering and good vibrations along the entire penis, stimulating the caress of the clitoris intensely, from top to bottom by suction. It is made from top medical quality silicon with a velvet feel, sufficiently flexible to adapt to any type of morphology. The double ring Spartacus vigorously stimulates your testicles while enabling you to maintain your erection longer, holding back ejaculation even while your relationships become more arduous.

Special Features
Material: 100% soft touch silicone and ABS (phtalates free)
1 upper vibrating ball: 2 functions
1 lower vibrating ball: 5 functions
– Length: 16,5 cm
– Diameter penis sheath: 3,3 cm
– Diameter testicle ring: 3,2 cm
Batteries: 2x LR1130 and 3x LR44 included
Care and washing: clean in neutral soapy water

The reaction of women to women wearing stockings

1.40 The reaction of women to women wearing stockings“I noticed (especially around New Year) the reaction of women to other women who are more seductively dressed. The greatest example was a young woman at a party who was wearing (thank god) a pair of hold ups (better if they were nylons, but at least in the right direction). They peaked through a couple of times and they attracted the attention (mine included) of the majority of men at the party. Needless to say, most of the women there began to comment in a negative fashion about the young woman’s attire. They made some ridiculous claims and some harsh comments about a person whom most of the people personally knew little about.”

“When I first began wearing stockings this summer, I would watch people as I walked on the streets, and especially on the subways. I would get double takes to admiring glances from men, even some nice comments.

“The looks from women, though… I was really surprised that there were women whom I could tell were obviously making assumptions about my morality based on my stockings. What the hell does one have to do with the other? At first it troubled me. No one likes to be on the receiving end of disapproval. And let’s face it – we women dress to impress each other, not men. When we read the fashion magazines to see what style of shoes are most popular, we do that for other women – to give evidence to our being ‘in the know’. For the most part, men are not going to know the difference between a pump and a mule – let alone a Sabrina heel. It’s code we use between us.

“But then I began to see the humour in it. Did these women really believe that my wearing stockings was going to hasten the fall of Western civilization? Was I somehow setting back the cause of feminism? Was there going to be a mass rampage of out of control men raping and pillaging because somehow I’m responsible for tempting them? Bah! How could a pair of FF stockings with a conservative skirt suit be any more threatening than the groups of marauding teens with their pierced everythings and purple mohawk hair-dos?

“There are always going to be those who feel they are the moral arbiters for the rest of us. If others wish to project their hang-ups on others, that’s their business. I carry myself and act with dignity – most of the time and I know my own self worth. I am a lady – and I choose to dress like one.”

“I went to a health club yesterday on a trial membership. Thought I’d make good on my New Year’s resolution to tone up and lose a few pounds. Nice facilities but an open change area with no private booths. When I started to undress, I received some horrified and disgusted looks from some of the other ladies. Several made not so subtle comments about my stockings and open bottomed girdle. I detected words like ‘slut’, ‘whore’ and ‘who does she think she is?’ I was ticked off and uncomfortable.

“I got a similar reaction after the work-out and shower as I was dressing. I could feel their eyes on me. So on my way out I told the manager. Her comment to me was that members have the right to their opinion and nonconformists should expect to be talked about. I’m not going back, needless to say.”

“One thing I have noticed about women who wear stockings is that they are confident ladies. Somehow I guess they have to be, whether they’re just making a statement to themselves, or to a wider audience. Why other women’s reactions negative? Well, from experience, women are not always negative – some I have met are inquisitive, some think ‘I wouldn’t have the nerve to do that’ but wish they did.

“Part of it is that they don’t have the same kind of self-confidence. It’s a bit akin to the tall poppy syndrome – criticise those that are more successful or more confident or stand out just a little bit from the crowd. Well, it’s easier to criticise than to do or join.”

System JO – H2O Lubricant Warming

System JO - H2O Lubricant WarmingThe only water-based Warming lubricant that feels just like silicone. JO H2O Warming is the silky JO H2O you love with a Warming sensation that starts on contact. Experience enhanced sensual pleasure with our finest water-based Warming lubricant.

• Water-based formula feels just like silicone
• Super long lasting, never sticky or tacky
• Warms on contact without blowing or rubbing
• 100% Latex Safe
• Compatible with all toys

Add a spark to your sensual experience with JO H2O Warming, the only water-based Warming lubricant that feels just like silicone.

JO H2O Warming provides enhanced sensual comfort and ease without getting sticky or tacky. It’s made from the finest pharmaceutical grade ingredients on the market infused with a Warming sensation that starts on contact.

Unlike other Warming lubes, JO H2O Warming activates in seconds without blowing or rubbing. Feel an arousing spark of heat that excites the senses and heightens response.

Just like all System JO products, JO H2O Warming is manufactured from only the finest pharmaceutical grade materials in a US facility following strict FDA safety guidelines. This slick moisturizing formula uses no animal byproducts so it won’t cause irritation or disrupt pH.

JO H2O Warming is safe for use with condoms and all toys. Contains no silicone, wax or oil.

Voulez-Vous… – Gift Box Christmas

Voulez-Vous... - Gift Box ChristmasThe Voulez-Vous gift box will allow you to play with yours and your partner’s senses.

This is a unique gift for special occasions. This box contains all the essentials to reach the height of eroticism. You can experience moments of pleasure with your lover never matched before. To intensify the desires that you feel for each other, you will get a taste for covering your partner’s entire body with a massage oil that has bewitching and aphrodisiac powers.

The box also includes body oils that will give sweet warm sensations to your entire being. Strokes and kisses on your skin will transcend you into a climax flavoured with the scents of your choice.
Carry on playing and don’t put a stop to your fantasies. Thanks to the edible powders you will turn your partner into a beautiful delicacy ready to eat.

All of this enticing menu can be found in this sensual gift box.

Every gift box is made up of:
– One massage oil (30 ml)
– Two edible powders (4 gram)
– Three warming body oils (10 ml)

The ideal present to play with yours and your loved one’s senses!

This gift box includes:

– One massage oil
Désir: Vanilla

– Two edible powders
Crême Brulée and Gingerbread

– Three warming body oils
Champagne, Red Fruits and Fondant au Chocolat

Women who still wear girdles

Women who still wear girdles“Do any ladies out there still wear girdles with stockings and suspenders (garters)? I have always been absolutely fascinated with stockings and suspenders, but especially with girdles. If any ladies out there still wear girdles, I would love to hear from you!”

“I am a 40 year-old bi female. I have an extensive collection of girdles. I grew up in the era of stockings and garters. We always wore them to school everyday. I never stopped. Girdles and garters are very erotic for the wearer and spice up your love life. Men love a glimpse and it’s surprising the women who also are excited by seeing them! I love the way they shape my rear and they hold up my nylons wrinkle free. More women should try wearing one but make sure you are properly fitted. Go to a good department stores foundation section and get a knowledgeable sales lady. Believe me a good foundation garment can add pizazz to your figure and sex life!”

“You’re absolutely right, there’s a lot of work in getting the right clothes, fit and type of stockings and making sure they are comfortable! After all, there are at least three moving parts that have to work together – and maybe six! Maybe some of us should do a tutorial and start a college on how to do it right!

“I think it’s important that if men would like women to come back into wearing stockings again that they try to understand the woman’s point of view. I’m afraid not many men think that way, so we need to educate the men as much as the women on this.

“I have no idea why you chose to, but congratulations on never having given up on stockings! You are certainly in a minority, but a valued one!”

“I am a 32 year-old female, married, and I have recently discovered girdles. I tried garter belts with my stockings, and didn’t feel right. When I got my first girdle, it was like coming home. Now I wear one every day with my work attire, and enjoy the ‘held in’ and firm feeling I get. You might be interested in checking out a web site called ZONA, which is a lovely paean to girdles and ladies who girdled. I cannot think of the URL right now, but just type in ZONA and see what you get. The site will hopefully get updated soon, with all new information. Enjoy!”

“My wife of 30-plus plus years wears open bottom girdles (obgs)- in fact she has them in all colours thanks to the magic of RIT dye. I love her in pink or in light chocolate colour. She seldom wears seams, but really likes National brand 400 which are close to the stockings we loved in the early ’60s.

“Girdles not only keep a woman’s tummy in and aid posture, but I firmly believe that they help keep the man in also. I’ve never lost my interest in my wife. I call it the awesome power of nylon!”

“I’m a 25 year-old red head who hails from MA and I’m a big voluptuous gal with freckles and I love stockings and garter belts and open bottomed girdles. I also wear high heel sandals and slides since they feel better on my feet than flat shoes. I also hate the manly shoe styles of today.

I’ve been wearing stockings and gbs and obgs since I was 18. They hold me in and make me feel very feminine (and yes, a little naughty!)

“I’m a working girl and mainly wear skirts + or – 2″ at the knees. I sometimes wear jeans – but always with stockings, and appropriate foundations, and slides or sandals.”

“The reason I wear stockings is that I don’t like pantyhose. They always ‘cut’ me and never fit properly – no matter how cheap or expensive the brand. I also had other problems with infections that the gynaecologist said were caused by too much of a hot, moist environment for bacteria. Not as sexy as it sounds! So I started wearing stockings and gbs and obgs and loved them. They fit. I liked the way they held me in and improved my posture and my feet are not comfortable in flat shoes. I prefer a 2-3″ heel and the more open the better. I don’t try to be sexy or kinky or anything. I like to feel attractive and comfortable and so I wear what I wear! It me. It’s who I am!”

Head Relax Vibra Massager Deluxe

Head Relax Vibra Massager DeluxeA very unique massaging device! Gently glide it across your head, move it softly from left to right and make little circles. Switch on the motor and enjoy the amazing tingling sensations that will reach all the way down to your toes. This vibrating head massager provides both body and soul with enough energy to last for a long time. Uses 2 x AA batteries (not included).

• Size: 28 cm (high) x 16 cm (diameter)
• Light and handy design for convenient self-massage
• Battery type: 2 x AA battery
• Battery included: no
• Not waterproof

Skirt length and visible stocking tops

skirts and stockings“I must admit that as a gentleman, I don’t subscribe to mini-skirts with stockings, although I do know one lady in the south of England who does a masterful job in not letting anyone know she is wearing stockings when she wears a short skirt. We went to dinner and then out to a club one night and I did not have a clue until she took my hand and put it on her suspender button in the taxi on the way home and I could feel it through the material in her skirt.

“That’s where long or tall stockings come in, and on that note, I must admit I am more partial to a high stocking than a low one myself. In shopping for my lady friends I have noticed that in the late ’60s some manufacturers actually sold stockings which were made to be worn with mini-skirts though, and stockings to me are always more alluring than pantyhose or tights.

“I am not one for obvious display – your glimpse instead of an eyeful is spot-on as they say over here (imagination is a great thing for a man). But I was out with a stocking-wearing lady friend of mine not too long ago and she showed stocking top in a bar. When I modestly pulled her hem down so it was less revealing, she objected, as she said that was part of the fun of wearing stockings – so I guess it takes all types. That didn’t bother me, as long as I knew that was what she thought, but I’d really think twice about taking out a lady who showed herself off to all and sundry.

“In sum, I love intelligent women who dress modestly and have the skill to wear stockings without the whole world knowing it. They know what it’s about and I appreciate that – as long as I know why should everybody else?”

“I had to go to a semi-formal Christmas business dinner and decided to wear a suede below the knee skirt with 3” slits on each side, which were way down near the knees. I went with light tan, extra long fully fashioned stockings which I wore for the first time. I doubled over the welts as usual with these long stockings, and never thought any more about them.

“The restaurant was rather dim, and tables were close to each other – the more the merrier – more customers in less space. A girl whom I knew only casually sitting two chairs away, came over and quietly whispered in my ear that my stockings were showing. Very, very quickly I reached down and noticed that the slits that started near the knees, gradually worked their way up, and the bottom of the welts and the side suspender buttons were well and truly peaking out. I spent the next half hour adjusting and puling the skirt down and eventually solved the problem, by folding the welts back again, over the suspenders, thus ‘hiding them’. I will have to be more careful with this slit. Later in the Ladies the girl who originally warned me, asked about why I was wearing stockings, and appeared to be quite interested.”

“I personally think folded-over stocking tops can look quite sexy, but they are hardly ever illustrated that way. I have known women to wear them that way – maybe they’re more secure. They certainly they look better than stockings that are too short!

“You will see on lots of stocking packets that they all seemed to be attached right at the top. I used to think that this was the right way, but the clips used to come undone, the stocking would move down and the strap was loose. Very problematic.

“I only ‘discovered’ what other ladies also have before me, so now whether it is attractive or not, the stockings are held tight, they do not ride down, and can be worn all day with no problems. With shorter skirts (above the knee) I try and make sure that the welts do not show.”

Voulez-Vous… – Gift Box Exotics

Voulez-Vous... - Gift Box ExoticsThe Voulez-Vous gift box will allow you to play with yours and your partner’s senses.

This is a unique gift for special occasions. This box contains all the essentials to reach the height of eroticism. You can experience moments of pleasure with your lover never matched before. To intensify the desires that you feel for each other, you will get a taste for covering your partner’s entire body with a massage oil that has bewitching and aphrodisiac powers.

The box also includes body oils that will give sweet warm sensations to your entire being. Strokes and kisses on your skin will transcend you into a climax flavoured with the scents of your choice.
Carry on playing and don’t put a stop to your fantasies. Thanks to the edible powders you will turn your partner into a beautiful delicacy ready to eat.

All of this enticing menu can be found in this sensual gift box.

Every gift box is made up of:
– One massage oil (30 ml)
– Two edible powders (4 gram)
– Three warming body oils (10 ml)

The ideal present to play with yours and your loved one’s senses!

This gift box includes:

– One massage oil
Stimulante: Eucalyptus & Lemon

– Two edible powders
Red Fruits and Coconut

– Three warming body oils
Vanilla, Banana and Coconut