Red and black: the colours of sin?

– My husband will not buy me stockings or lingerie unless I suggest something to him. He will not pick out anything for me as he is worried I won’t like it. Admittedly I do have my own taste in clothing, I love the colours, teal, turquoise, pink, mint green, so I tend to pick almost all my clothing around those.

How would I even begin to encourage him to pick out something for me in the way of lingerie or stockings? He won’t touch the computer himself and he made the statement “I’m not going to buy lingerie, I’m not like that…” How do I begin to help him see that just buying lingerie or stockings for me does not go against his religious beliefs?

– What religious beliefs would buying lingerie for you violate for your husband? Can you be more specific? You have said before that he has a religious bias against some colours. If he has religion-based objections to lingerie and stockings what is his basis for them? Is he citing a scripture passage? What is the passage?

If you are going to help him understand his “problem” he’s got to be able to do more than simply say, “that’s wrong” or “I don’t do things like that.” Try to get him to explain this to you in biblical terms. But ask him gently and with respect or you will make him defensive. Having him articulate his position will help him to see flaws in it.

– I know he associates the colours red and black with sin. I can’t give you any Bible verses that he has cited, because he really hasn’t used any. I think his objections are more of a personal nature. I know he was raised in a Lutheran church and from my own dad being raised in a Lutheran church I do know they had some strict beliefs but I don’t know the specifics.

– I hope you will permit one specific question. I am not a Christian, but nonetheless I am very interested in Christian beliefs, and am asking this WITHOUT intending criticism or mockery.

Why is it that the colours red and black, specifically are associated with “sin”? Surely all colours are part of nature, and therefore part of the design of the creator of the world (which Christians call “God”) I can understand the association of “scarlet” with sex, (ie the Scarlet Woman of Revelations) but not all red. And black is the colour worn by clergymen…

– You make a good point, about the colours of red and black. They are indeed part of nature. In my case I think my skin tone is just terribly pale for black and it tends to make me look too pale. My mom used to dress me in red a lot as a little girl so when now I just don’t care for the colour red. In many Christians’ minds is red is associated with the devil, as he is dressed in red as the artists portray him.

– Just a quick thought about your resistance to wearing red anymore and why black stockings do not look well on your legs.

You should get a colour chart that defines the “season” that is you, which is based on your hair colour and more importantly your skin colour.

The colour red in lingerie (or any other clothing) can be anything from a true-red to a cherry-red, or an orange-red to a blood-red.

You mentioned you have pale skin, which already suggest that your colouring is the season of “winter”, which means that you should only seek out “true reds”. Any other shade will make your skin colour look strange. Black (obviously being the opposite of your pale skin) does not work, but off-black stockings or grey would.

You also mentioned pastel colours and pale shades of stockings as preferences in earlier posts. These can work well if the colour “values” are correct for your season.

Men should also pay attention to their “season” when selecting clothes – most don’t.

The reasons women wear seams

– I am interested to know for what reasons you ladies decide to wear seamed stockings.

– It’s a statement to say “I am wearing stockings and I am proud of it”.

– I wear seams because they’re very eye-catching and eye-pulling. Pulling eyes up, up, up in search of something more. And besides, stockings with seams, especially FF stockings, are so much more interesting than the run-of-the-mill completely sheer variety!

-There’s more than one reason. First, I love the way they get admiring looks. If we’re honest what woman doesn’t like to be admired? Second, they make ME feel good, feel classy, and yes, feel sexy. Third, my hubby adores them 🙂

– All the other posts pretty much stole my thunder, but I’ll add my remarks nonetheless.

My legs tend to be rather shapely, and I have been told they are quite nice. I like the visual aspect of a seam up the leg – it elongates, it appears to slim, and if your calves are well defined it can call attention to a shapely ankle.

I wear FFs almost every day, and just recently was stopped by a man astonished at seeing the real thing on the street in 2001! He even went as far as to ask if they were pantyhose or the real thing! (Imagine hand gesture indicating garters… ) I think he was over the moon the rest of the day! LOL

I love to dress nicely, and adding a pair of classic FFs to a pinstripe skirt suit just finishes off perfectly!

– Stole The Thunder And The Lightning! Could not have said it any better! All we say is we agree and we are proud!

Dear ladies, I wish that I had your strength of character. Unfortunately wearing seams on a day to day basis is just not practical for me. They are relegated to infrequent occasions, and I wish that I could wear them more often. Having said that, it is the contrast (seam on the leg) that gives FFs their appeal.

Our group’s Statement of Purpose?

– My wife and I spent a few days this week meeting with a family foundation reviewing requests for grants. A request for funds from the foundation must meet certain guidelines but most importantly, to those making the funding decision, is a clear and concise Statement of Purpose. If the person or group requesting the grant cannot clearly explain his/their purpose in a paragraph or two we generally reject the proposal.

Later in the evening at a cocktail party for the Board of Trustees, my wife, looking more desirable than ever in a pair of cuban-heeled ffs and a positively indecent frock, asked me what the “purpose” of the Stockings HQ group was.

“Well,” I stammered, “Its the … ah… er. . promotion of stockings. Isn’t it?”

“That’s my point,” she replied. “You really don’t have a clearly stated purpose do you? Of course its for the promotion of stockings but to whom, how, why? Would you give a nickel to an applicant who presented that Statement of Purpose you just gave me?

“No, I wouldn’t. ” I sheepishly admitted.

But we don’t have a Statement of Purpose. We don’t. Do we? We’re just a message board aren’t we? Or are we more than that?

On the other hand, do we even need one? Aren’t we just too diverse a group to agree on one anyhow?

But maybe we ought to give this some thought? Maybe a clear Statement of Purpose placed prominently at the front page of this site would give newbies a quick overview of what we’re all about. Maybe it would help us all get a little more focused on our mission. And maybe just the process of writing one, in a collaborative effort, would motivate discussion, mutual understanding and promote a greater sense of community?

Now how could any of that hurt us? What do you think?

Give it a try! Post a reply to this or try to write a draft “statement” and post it here. If you are uncomfortable writing anything formal, how about giving us your thoughts about what our purpose really is?

– First time contributor here. Sounds like a good idea. There’s so much stuff on this site I was a little confused for a few weeks about what you all were up to. I had to read a lot of posts on all the forums before I got the hang of it. How about something along the lines of we are all here because we want women to wear stockings and we want to provide all the resources to make it easy for them to buy them, talk about them and learn how to wear them?

– During the mid-’80s, I participated in a consulting engagement for a major US real estate developer. McKinsey and Company, the pricey consulting firm of much ballyhoo, was the strategic consultant for the project.

McKinsey led the project team in a purpose-definition seminar. The outcome led to fast and precise development of guiding principles and values that enabled the development of a business plan in one-fourth “norm time” for developing a biz plan.

The bottom line – the project was a huge success in financial terms for the developer. After defining a clear purpose, achieving the goals became possible within the limited timeframe allowed.

– Ok, here’s a go:

“The Purpose of this group is to celebrate the beauty, elegance, sensuality and mystery of gartered stockings and our appreciation, admiration and respect for the women who choose to wear them. ”

– I like it but I suspect all the trannies and cross-dressers will not. But, maybe I don’t know enough about them. Does it offend any of them to say we have admiration, respect and appreciation for the “women” who wear them (stockings)?

– I’m not an expert on the CDs and trannies but it seems to me that their love of dressing “as” women is an expression of their love “of” women and all things feminine.

Those of us who are not CDs or trannies also appreciate the same things the trannies do. It’s just that we appreciate them on women rather than ourselves.

Sounds okay but a bit long. How about omitting sensuality and respect. For me sensuality is sort of implicit when you say mystery and respect is also implied when you say admiration. That’s just my two cents.

Stockings, rings and chains

– Is it cool to wear stockings with toe rings or ankle jewellery?

– I have always hated ankle bracelets (tacky) and toe rings (very tacky), whether with nylons or bare-legged. Sorry.

– My wife wears the gold ankle bracelet I got her as a present when we got serious and has done so for nine years under her hose. No rips, no runs, no errors.

I also sometimes like the “tarty” look when a women wears a gaudy ankle bracelet over some wild stockings.

– Until my toe ring broke recently, I have been wearing one for almost three years running. Some folks like them, some folks don’t.

– Anklets are nice under sheer tanned or black hosiery if very thin either in silver or gold, but chunky ones with high heels are definitely tacky!

– Toe rings are extremely sexy, as are ankle bracelets. Its feminine, and that is sexy. Artwork for the feet…

I wear both daily. I find that many men have a fetish for one or both. One even asked me why I wore stockings when it made them harder to see! The nerve!

Why women need to act responsibly in the way they dress

– I am absolutely sickened by the perpetual two-facedness of some women who use sex as a weapon in their endless struggle to get their way. The stockings forum has shown me how normal our shared fetish is and how absolutely mind blowing it is to see women expressing their sexual finery. Nothing turns me on more than a woman in the workplace in a short skirt and hosiery (a nice pair of legs is a bonus of course). There is absolutely nothing ‘wrong’ with admiring this and there is no way that a woman is unaware of the clear message she sends out when she dresses in a sexually provocative way. It is a very strong message but (and this is the important point) it goes out to all of us. ALL of mankind see her and she knows what’s going on inside our minds (and trousers!). To all you women out there – that’s not smut or perversion or filth or being dirty! That’s being NORMAL and being a man. No man is unaffected by sexually alluring dress so its about time that women took some responsibility in the messages they send out. All men are affected – no matter what age, colour, level of ability (or disability), colour of hair, level of income or whatever. We are ALL sexual beings who get turned on by pretty much the same things.

I am deeply annoyed and frustrated by the female attitude that they can dress raunchily for work just to attract a particular man. This is usually the boss and it seems to me that in any walk of life stockings, suspenders, short skirts and high heels go with power, money and position and nothing else. That leaves a lot of us guys in an invidious position: we are attracted like bees around a jam jar to Miss be-stockinged but unless we have the right level of power, money and position we are condemned to a miserable and frustrating existence where our sexual attractions are lived out only in fantasy. It’s all about power and how any woman can treat a man’s normal sexual instincts with contempt just beggars belief! To all those guys who are caught out looking at a lovely stockinged leg or a skirt riding up a lithe leg, I say this. You are not in the wrong. You are normal. But, I guess, you may possess the wrong configuration of power, money and position or be of the wrong age or perhaps have the wrong looks. Those dealt two queens and a king can run their hands up those stockinged legs as much as they want to. Those who were dealt two twos and a three just have their porno mags.

So women, don’t call the man ‘caught’ looking at your legs a pervert if you are not also prepared to use that bitterly insulting epithet for the man you are wearing your stockings for as well. You don’t want to have double standards now, do you? I have a hairy chest which a lot of women find sexy. I know that because I sometimes ‘catch’ them stealing a glimpse of it under my shirt. But I don’t run off to my boss and complain of sexual harassment when this happens and I certainly don’t label them perverts no matter how un-attractive they might be to me. If you want equality then have uniform standards for ALL people.

I am 37 and single. I am normal in that I think women in stockings look like dynamite. I would love nothing more than a partner who could satisfy me in every way and for me that would have to include stockings. As you might have guessed I live a very frustrated life. But dynamite these girls are, and they can explode violently against you if they want to.

– I really enjoyed your thesis on stockings and responsibility; I think we agree on most of the points you made.

Dress codes are (or should be) in place to protect everyone in the workplace – regardless of gender. Those guidelines help to foster a relationship between peers for the sake of the work and not encourage illicit behaviour. Over time there has been an erosion of personal responsibility and a sense of propriety.

Whether we like it or not, we women cannot escape the plain truth that as men, you are hard wired to focus continually on sexual stimuli – whether it be a woman’s legs, her backside, whatever. Occasionally I find myself admiring a woman for her attractiveness. We as humans are drawn to people and things that we find pleasing – and a woman’s figure is pleasing to the eye. There’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t consider a man’s glance at a part of my anatomy to be offensive – what can be though is if it’s followed up by a suggestive facial expression, or lewd comment muttered only for the woman to hear. Those make you shiver. Sometimes we wonder where thought stops and action begins.

Please allow me to play Devil’s Advocate for a moment. A woman from our local area was found beaten, assaulted and murdered, and her body dumped in a wooded area. Two men were arrested for the crime. The woman had been an exotic dancer; they had been at a club watching this woman dance. They allowed their feelings/impulses (fuelled, of course by a tremendous amount of alcohol) to impair their judgement. They were not satisfied with watching this woman dance – they had to put their feelings/impulses into action. Their defence was that she was a dancer – therefore of loose morals and expendable. They looked upon her as nothing more than an outlet for their own needs.

Now, to use your theory, by acting/dressing in a sexually provocative way, and giving off certain “signals”, this young lady “egged on” these two men, and therefore was responsible for her own demise. Yes, these men were clearly affected by her dancing; are you excusing what happened due to the circumstances? It was not a conventional workplace and therefore all bets are off? Does this mean that a woman walking down the street in a summer dress is liable to be assaulted, and because the dress was short she deserves what happens?

Do I think her choice of occupation eventually led to her murder? No, not really. I think she should have had a little more respect for herself than to be in that line of work. But that was her choice to make; she needn’t have died for it. I had met the woman briefly once or twice; she was bright, funny and gracious. It needn’t have happened.

I guess I need to acknowledge that you agree with personal responsibility on both sides – when assumptions are made, things like the above situation happen. We as women should not have to shroud ourselves in black flowing robes in order to feel safe; you should be adult enough to control your impulses. There is a time and place for everything – what one wears out to a club is indecent for office wear. Those are the lines that have blurred. But, women should have enough respect for themselves not to flaunt in public. Just because we can doesn’t mean we should.

I would welcome your comments, and anyone else’s. I’m not looking for a battle; just some honest talk about gender and our roles in today’s world.

– You reveal a feminine perspective on social change and male-female ethics that I find real world, as well as very educational.

Your descriptions of your attire preferences generate a very real vision for me. Your understanding of how men are wired emotionally and physically is unique. Your communication of how things work – and how they should work – is comforting.

– Your posting is deep and thoughtful. I agree with much of what I recall you posted, but I don’t agree with all of your posting.

We are in agreement about the responsibility and abuses of power. But, I disagree with your assessment of how women hold power with their dress. I also disagree that it takes wealth and power to succeed in relationships with women.

Your expressed frustration with your current relationship void is unnecessary. Create the vision for what type of relationship you desire, develop a plan you believe will help you achieve it, and make it happen by sharing your happiness.

By nature, men are physically stronger. That provides men a relationship edge that most women admire, but men absolutely must not abuse. Our chemical make up makes us more aggressive, and conventions in society provide men with the ability to initiate relationships with women they find desirable. (I have no problem with women that lose patience waiting and make the first move.)

Also, I disagree that women are exclusively attracted to power, and money. The myth that a man needs great looks to succeed with women is just that. Women are less visual than men.

A man’s looks are almost always secondary to how confident and secure a man makes a lady feel. Women are “wired” to seek out the best protectors and providers. Women consider men that project confidence attractive protectors and providers.

The world is full of men and women that compromise themselves for money, but women are less materially driven than men by nature. By nature, men hunt and keep score – women nurture and care.

While in college, I married a drop-dead gorgeous girl built like a MIT-designed brick @!#$ house. She still has her school-girl looks and rediscovered her girlish figure through strength training. She loves to delight me by wearing stockings, but has found they provide her an air of confidence she loves.

I am the son of a handicapped blue-collar worker that didn’t possess a high school diploma, and I am not good looking. My wife married me and provided for me before I could provide for her.

Before marrying, I dated maidens that later became Miss Ohio and Miss Kentucky. The eventual Miss Ohio I dated told me I helped her believe she could overcome obstacles she felt were beyond her. The eventual Miss Kentucky dated me after I directed her campus political campaign.

My father, who achieved financial success after I married and he was 60, taught me success in relationships was as simple as building trust, projecting confidence, and making the other person feel confident. He felt the principle applied to women and men. To Dad, trust came from being honest and reliable. Projecting confidence resulted from setting goals and executing basic fundamentals every day; and making others feel confident was a result of treating them exactly how I wanted to be treated.

I realise my assertions come off like sophomoric bragging, but my point is that women – more than men – find their power through acceptance and trusting relationships. A successful relationship with a quality lady is always built on a foundation of friendship and trust. Establishing that relationship requires the confidence to start the relationship, and the commitment of caring loyalty.

The physical side follows – except for the lucky few guys with great looks that get bowled over.

Allow me to suggest you can compete. First, recreate your vision to include the values and personality qualities you seek in a relationship. Identify exactly how you see your ideal lady treating you. Your expectations for physical beauty do not need to be reduced, but values and relationship ethics added.

Introducing stockings as part of your vision will come after you developed a relationship. Making it part of your vision is putting a barrier in front of the potential of a great relationship. When you build their confidence and trust, they’ll wear stockings for you.

Let me suggest two very strong confidence builders for you that you. The first is in a book called the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey. Dr. Covey details in his book the need to understand – before being understood. He also details six other principles that enable success in life. Dr. Covey teaches how to do what my father preached

The second confidence builder I suggest is Bill Phillips, Body for Life. Go to right now. Body for Life is a 12-week fitness program that changes lives. By the second week – before you see physical results – your confidence will hit an all-time high. It grows each week after that.

My wife went through the program, and I saw her confidence explode. I went through the program and follow the routine. It takes four hours a week.

Body for Life will enable you to compete in your mind, and in reality, with 25-year-old men physically. Many that complete the program find “soul mates” among others that employ “Body for Life” as a physical and mental health supplement.

After 12 weeks, you won’t have a confidence issue when you meet the type of lady that fits your vision. You might find the type of lady you’re attracted to will be approaching you.

I’m on the other side of 40, and 20-something girls approach me in the health club to converse. Men engage my wife in conversation much, much, more often than before she completed the program. We’re happily married, but we each enjoy the confidence boost this interest provides us.

Legal and ethical issues about dildos

Classic dildoThe possession and sale of dildos is illegal in some jurisdictions, including India. Until recently, many southern states and some Great Plains states in the United States banned the sale of dildos completely, either directly or through laws regulating “obscene devices”. In 2007, a federal appeals court upheld Alabama’s law prohibiting the sale of sex toys. The law, the Anti-Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1998, was also upheld by the Supreme Court of Alabama on September 11, 2009.

In February 2008, a federal appeals court overturned a Texas statute banning the sales of dildos and other sexual toys, deeming such a statute as violating the Constitution’s 14th Amendment on the right to privacy. The appeals court cited Lawrence v. Texas, where the Supreme Court of the United States in 2003 struck down bans on consensual sex between gay couples, as unconstitutionally aiming at “enforcing a public moral code by restricting private intimate conduct.” Similar statutes have been struck down in Kansas and Colorado. Alabama is the only state where a law prohibiting the sale of sex toys remains on the books.

Some Conservative Christians believe that the use of sex toys is immoral. The Southern Baptist preacher Dan Ireland has been an outspoken critic of such devices and has fought to ban them on religious and ethical grounds. Ireland has stated “There are moral ways and immoral ways to use a firearm … There is no moral way to use one of these devices.” According to Ireland, “Sometimes you have to protect the public against themselves….These devices should be outlawed because they are conducive to promiscuity, because they promote loose morals and because they entice improper and potentially deadly behaviors.”

Miss July 2017

One of the most common fetishism, a sexual fantasy than can be shared with the partner is exhibitionism. Women with beautiful legs have the opportunity to show off they legs, with or without hosiery, with this italian website, The picture attached is from “Miss july 2017”, the mentioned website every month choose from the senders the most interesting legs and photos to be prized with the title of “legs of the month”, here is the gallery with miss july 2017.

Dildos in Early Modern Period

glass dildoIn the early 1590s, the English playwright Thomas Nashe wrote a poem known as The Choice of Valentines, Nashe’s Dildo or The Merrie Ballad of Nashe his Dildo. This was not printed at the time, due to its obscenity but it was still widely circulated and made Nashe’s name notorious. The poem describes a visit to a brothel by a man called “Tomalin”; he is searching for his sweetheart, Francis, who has become a prostitute. The only way he can see her is to hire her. However, she resorts to using a glass dildo as he finds himself unable to perform sexually to her satisfaction.

Dildos are humorously mentioned in Act IV, scene iv of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. This play and Ben Jonson’s play The Alchemist (1610) are typically cited as the first usage of the word in publication (Nashe’s Merrie Ballad was not published until 1899).

John Wilmot, the 17th century English libertine, published his poem Signor Dildo in 1673. During the Parliamentary session of that year, objections were raised to the proposed marriage of James, Duke of York, brother of the King and heir to the throne, to Mary of Modena, an Italian Catholic princess. An address was presented to King Charles on 3 November, foreseeing the dangerous consequences of marriage to a Catholic, and urging him to put a stop to any planned wedding ‘…to the unspeakable Joy and Comfort of all Your loyal Subjects.” Wilmot’s response was Signior Dildo (You ladies all of merry England), a mock address anticipating the ‘solid’ advantages of a Catholic marriage, namely the wholesale importation of Italian dildos, to the unspeakable joy and comfort of all the ladies of England:

You ladies all of merry England
Who have been to kiss the Duchess’s hand,
Pray, did you not lately observe in the show
A noble Italian called Signor Dildo? …
A rabble of pricks who were welcomed before,
Now finding the porter denied them the door,
Maliciously waited his coming below
And inhumanly fell on Signor Dildo …
This ballad was subsequently added to by other authors, and became so popular that Signor became a term for a dildo. In the epilogue to The Mistaken Husband (1674), by John Dryden, an actress complains:

To act with young boys is loving without men.
What will not poor forsaken women try?
When man’s not near, the Signior must supply.
Signor Dildo was more recently set to music by Michael Nyman for the Wilmot biopic, The Libertine.

Many other works of bawdy and satirical English literature of the period deal with the subject. Dildoides: A Burlesque Poem (London, 1706), attributed to Samuel Butler, is a mock lament to a collection of dildos that had been seized and publicly burnt by the authorities. Examples of anonymous works include The Bauble, a tale (London, 1721) and Monsieur Thing’s Origin: or Seignor D—o’s Adventures in London, (London, 1722). In 1746, Henry Fielding wrote The Female Husband: or the surprising history of Mrs Mary, alias Mr. George Hamilton, in which a woman posing as a man uses a dildo. This was a fictionalized account of the story of Mary Hamilton.

Dildos in ancient greece

Dildos in ancient greeceDildos may be seen in some examples of ancient Greek vase art. Some pieces show their use in group sex or in solitary female masturbation. One vessel, of about the 6th century BC, depicts a scene in which a woman bends over to perform oral sex on a man, while another man is about to thrust a dildo into her anus.

They are mentioned several times in Aristophanes’ comedy of 411 BC, Lysistrata.

And so, girls, when fucking time comes… not the faintest whiff of it anywhere, right? From the time those Milesians betrayed us, we can’t even find our eight-fingered leather dildos. At least they’d serve as a sort of flesh-replacement for our poor cunts… So, then! Would you like me to find some mechanism by which we could end this war?
Herodas’ short comic play, Mime VI, written in the 3rd Century BC, is about a woman called Metro, anxious to discover from a friend where she recently acquired a dildo.

I beg you, don’t lie,
dear Corrioto: who was the man who stitched for you this bright red dildo?
She eventually discovers the maker to be a man called Kerdon, who hides his trade by the front of being a cobbler, and leaves to seek him out. Metro and Kerdon are main characters in the next play in the sequence, Mime VII, when she visits his shop.

Page duBois, a classicist and feminist theorist, suggests that dildos were present in Greek art because the ancient Greek male imagination found it difficult to conceive of sex taking place without penetration. Therefore, female masturbation or sex between women required an artificial phallus to be used.

Stone Dildo

Stone DildoThe D.2 Stone Dildo is hand sculpted from polished Absolute Black Granite. The slightly twisted smooth shaft curves gently into a broad, flattened head for a fuller feeling and firmer stimulation.

Hand crafted piece with a broad, flattened head and angled/twisted shaft aimed at those who like to feel greater fullness from penetration inwards, as well as those who like/want more pressure across a wider area.

By gently twisting the shaft the head can stimulate and discover various points of pleasure from just inside the vaginal opening to further in.

Both ends can be used. The handle provides a smaller alternative to deeper penetration. The handle arches nicely and combined with the angle of the shaft you can stimulate the g-spot area using this end too.

Absolute Black Granite (Gabbro)
Weight: 422 gram
Origin: Shanxi, China
Age: Appr. 500 million years

Circumference: 12,5 cm